Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Anorexia Nervosa Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4
Anorexia Nervosa - Essay Example For ethos, she mentioned that she is a recovering anorexic, making her more credible for the topic in the eyes of the audience. It is also easy to identify the main points --- what it is, who is affected, and its repercussions --- because Cheyanne mentions them at the onset of the presentation. The transitions from one point to another are clear because Cheyanne restates the main point before going further to discussing it. The citations or references are also easily identifiable either from her speech or via the visual aids. Towards the end of the speech, Cheyanne reviews the main points in the conclusion; however, the concluding piece is not so memorable. Cheyanne merely mentions that a person should approach and talk to anyone observed as having an eating disorder because anorexia is really a dangerous disease. In terms of delivery, the presentation is clear and to the point. However, some distracting non-verbal behaviors can be avoided, like walking and gesturing with the hands i n just any manner. Lesser references to the notecards would also be helpful. Overall, the speech is informative and interesting, but it could still benefit from improvements in terms of delivery. The presentation deserves 4 out of 5 stars. I did not lose interest while listening to Cheyanne. However, the presentations would look more professional and formal if there are lesser references to the notecards. Walking and hands/arm gestures can also be minimized by making the information or picture appear (or perhaps highlighted) on the screen once she refers to it.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Conclusion Morrison Essay Example for Free
Conclusion Morrison Essay Presents other characters in Beloved who are mothers, either biologically or through their actions; however, their role is either limited or their influence is. For example, Beloved appears to be pregnant and Patsy, the Thirty-Mile Woman, is pregnant during the course of the novel. However, since the reader neither sees them giving birth, nor actually mothering anyone, they exert no motherly influence that can be pinpointed and analyzed. Ella, mentioned briefly, refuses to mother even though she does, in fact, give birth to a child. Nan othermothers Sethe, but the reader sees very little of her. In addition, Lady Jones serves to mother Denver to a point (and potentially others), through her schoolteaching. The fact that Denver comes to her first when she needs help is demonstrative of this. However, her role, though vital, is limited. Finally, Amy plays a caretaking role for Sethe when she delivers Denver, but like Lady Jones, her role is transitory. Unlike Lady Jones, whose role does influence Denver, Amys role is truly limited to the physical assistance and emotional support Sethe needs during childbirth. All of these women who act in some capacity as mothers must not be overwhelmed and determined by an oppressive past but must be able to live in the present and conceive of a future in order to assert themselves into a male-dominated patriarchal society, that although a post-slavery society (except for Sethes mother), nevertheless imposes restrictions on womanhood, on motherhood (Kubitschek 144). They may lack the perspective to comprehend historical experience as a part, rather than the whole of, their identities, yet they must persevere (Kubitschek 144). And, in some way, to some extent, they do. Perhaps through their own methods, but they do. Amy tenderly ministers to Sethes excoriated back which has been etched by Nephews whip into the image of a chokecherry tree containing a wild tangle of branches, leaves, and putrid blossoms. The tree, formed by pus, blood, and raised welts of flesh, becomes a perverse symbol of life and female experience, with pain, suffering, and fertility mixed together. Sethes wounds also represent an inscription of sorts and demonstrate how the slave mothers body painfully serves as a text written upon by white patriarchal culture. The wild and bloody image of the tree graphically symbolizes the tangled, purulent relationships that slavery often fostered between black women and white men. The tree serves as a branding which declares that Sethes body, like her children, is not hers to claim. This thesis evaluated the socially constructed mothering of mother figures: Sethes mother, Sethe, Baby Suggs and Denver. Like real mothers, each in her own way, and as a result of historical conventions, they affect the development of subsequent characters, of biological offspring or of children over whom they have chosen to assume responsibility. All are different, yet share commonalities associated with motherhood. These mothers take it upon themselves to determine who is their own, who they will accept as or make their own, and then they mother those children, passionately, forever. They are not real mothers addressing real life, real tragedy. Yet they are art imitating life, the real life of motherhood, not in a vacuum, but socially constructed by history, by family, by patriarchy, by imposed value systems. Real mothers do make immediate and impossible decisions about children in their care in real life. Real mothers can define their own value through breastmilk. Thus, rather than question or degrade any of these mothers, one must applaud them for persevering in motherhood under duress or the ramifications thereof. They achieved life, reproduction of life, and the goodness they could provide as essential mothers, socially constructed by a society that disempowers them consistently. Then, if aspects of mothering are universal, is mothering essentialist or socially constructed? Well, perhaps both. Mothers are undoubtedly constructed by the society in which they act as caregivers, nurturers. Nevertheless, some of the actions they take in this society become, without question, essential to their being, once they are mothers. To save, to protect ones child is essentialist, like the stork who will guard only her own. To have circumstances under which a mother must do this suggests socially constructed events. Thus, one must ascertain with respect to these culturally diverse mothers whether the essential aspects of being a mother transcend the socially constructed aspects of motherhood and thus their desire and ultimate goal of keeping their children and themselves alive. Essentially, humans want to be alive, but mothers who accept motherhood are taught to keep their children alive by the implicit role and social definition of mother. Ultimately, then, the concept of mothering is essentialist, but actual mothers, including those analyzed here, are socially constructed. Each woman identifies herself as a mother or othermother and thus subsumes motherhood into her personal identity. Bibliography Collins, Patricia Hill. Black Feminist Thought. New York: Routledge, 1991. Eckard, Paula Gallant. Maternal Body and Voice in Toni Morrison, Bobbie Ann Mason, and Lee Smith. Columbia, MO: U of Missouri P, 2002. Eyer, Diane. Motherguilt: How Our Culture Blames Mothers for Whats Wrong with Society. New York: Random House, 1996. Fultz, Lucille P. Images of Motherhood in Toni Morrisons Beloved. Double Stitch: Black Women Write about Mothers Daughters. Ed. Patricia Bell-Scott. New York: Harper Perennial, 1993. 32-41. Furman, Jan. Toni Morrisons Fiction. South Carolina: U of South Carolina P, 1996. Fuss, Diana. Essentially Speaking: Feminism, Nature Difference. New York: Routledge, 1989. Garner, Shirley Nelson. Constructing the Mother: Contemporary Psychoanalytic Theorists and Women Autobiographers. Narrating Mothers: Theorizing Maternal Subjectives. Eds. Brenda O. Daly and Maureen T. Reddy. Knoxville.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Gun Control vs. Gun Rights Essay -- Second Amendment The Right To Bear
The second amendment states â€Å" The right of the people to keep and bear arms†. What does that mean to us, basically and person in the United States is allowed to own and keep a fire arm in house. Gun control advocates believe that right does not extend to ownership of military-style firearms that are otherwise known as assault weapons. To curb gun-related violence certain checks are made, such as mandatory child safety locks, background checks on those wishing to purchase a gun, limits on the number of guns a person can buy and raising the age limit for gun ownership. Gun rights groups, led by the National Rifle Assocation, argue that these and other proposals infringe on the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens. They maintain that bans on the sale of certain types of weapons h...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
How Bilbo in the hobbit influences the story Essay
In the book, â€Å"The Hobbit†, by J.R.R. Tolkien, there are many ways the author shows how the character, Bilbo, influences the story. Bilbo is very clever and intelligent. He always saves the dwarves from trouble. His risk-taking personality helped him become one of the most important characters in the story.Bilbo’s intelligence shows in Chapter 5 when he wins the battle between him and Gollum. Bilbo’s intelligence helped him win the battle and it also helped him guide the dwarves throughout the journey without Gandalf. Without Bilbo’s intelligence, he would not be sure of what to do and how to solve his problems. You can see this when Gollum says, â€Å"Curse the Baggins! It’s gone! What has it got in its pocketses? Oh we guess, my precious. He’s found it, yes he must have.†And then he later says, â€Å"When he came this way last, when we twisted that nasty young squeaker.†These quotes show that Bilbo obtained the ring because of his intelligence and cleverness. Gollum is upset because he lost his precious ring. This is just one way how Bilbo influences the story. In Chapter 9, Bilbo’s cleverness is shown. Bilbo, yet again, saves the dwarves from trouble. In a short amount of time, Bilbo came up with a plan to rescue his friends from the woodelves. Without his cleverness, he wouldn’t have saved his friends and the story would be different because they wouldn’t have gone to Lake Town. You can see this when the author says, â€Å"When he heard this Bilbo was all in a flutter, for he saw that luck was with him and he had a chance at once to try his desperate plan.†And then later says, â€Å"They had escaped the dungeons, and were through the wood. †These quotes show how Bilbo was desperate to try out his plan and at the end, it turned out to be really successful. Bilbo could not have thought of this plan without his cleverness, if it weren’t for that, he would’ve never saved the dwarves. Lastly, In Chapter 12, Bilbo’s risk-taking personality shines. Bilbo sneaks into Smaug’s lair with his invisible ring on. Hobbits are not the type that would go on a adventure, and they’re definitely not the type that would do such dangerous and harmful events. But in this chapter, Bilbo shows he isn’t that type of hobbit. You can see this when the author says, â€Å"Wisps of vapour floated up and past him and he began to sweat.†And then he later says, â€Å"His heart was beating and a more fevered shaking was in his legs then when he was going down, but still clutched the cup and his chief thought was: I’ve done it! This will show them.†These quotes show that, even though Bilbo was terrified of what was going on, he had to ignore the feeling of being terrified and had the courage to take the cup. Bilbo’s character influenced the story in a lot of different ways. If he hadn’t gone to the adventure with the dwarves and If it weren’t for what he has accomplished, like getting the cup, the story would have had a different ending.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Nursing Portfolio Essay
INTRODUCTION Recently, due to contraception fills, adolescent pregnancy has been decreased, nonetheless, issues of adolescent pregnancy have increased worldwidely, because they are not uncovered superficially. First of all, adolescent pregnancy is an area where intensive nursing care and social and family support are required. In part 1, with regard to teens pregnancy and care, I have collected various artefacts and reviewed them. In this portfolio, I will show how those artifacts help me to learn nursing care with regard to adolescent pregnancy including teenagers, newborn and family. In addition, I will present how I would utilize the artefacts to lead to my future nursing practice successfully. EFFECTS OF ADOLESCENT PREGNANCY FOR AISHA AND JARAD The Victoria government report has helped me to understand the circumstances of teenagers who have experienced pregnancy and the effects relating to their pregnancy. As a future nurse, it is vital to know the social and environmental background of adolescent pregnancy. In terms of circumstances of pregnant adolescents, it has been found that pregnancy rates are higher among teenagers who include those factors as follows (The Victoria government 2014) . family violence, or sexual abuse or conflict often occurs . A teenager who has low self-esteem, low socioeconomic background . An adolescent who has low maternal education . rural or remote or Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander residents. As the webpage gives the information about complications with teenage pregnancy, I have known that teenagers have greater risks of medical complications during pregnancy and the reasons. The major reasons for their medical complications are that they find out their pregnancy late or do not know how to approach healthcare service (The Victoria government 2014). Moreover, their nutrition state during pregnancy is improper and hence, they experience premature labour and deteriorating their health condition such as anaemia and emotional distress. Also, the charts from sccanny organization show children born to teenage mother have low birth weight, under 2.5 Kg (Scanny organization 2014). The information has taught me to be prepared the background knowledge of negative effects of teens pregnancy on both their children and themselves before look after an adolescent mother. PRENATAL, POSTNATAL ISSUES FOR DEPRESSION AND ANXIETY IN ADOLESCENT MOTHER AND THEIR FAMILIES As soon as an adolescent has a baby, it can be a burden to her and her family rather than pleasure in normal pregnancy. Before making a nursing plan for an adolescent mother, it is essential to diagnose their depression and anxiety. The YouTube video shows what is their depression and anxiety precisely and succinctly. I have comprehended that their anxiety and depression come from the problems such as parenting difficulties, continuity of study or not and finance to breed their children (PCA 2014). Nurse Review Organization’s webpage has provided me with disgnosis and intervention with respect to teen pregnancy (Nursereview 2014). In the future practice, I will educate their family to decrease a stereotype in relation to adolescent pregnancy and emphasize the significance of education for an adolescent mother if she is concerned about dropping her school. Besides, I will refer her to organizations to help her financial difficulties in raising her children and also advise her to take counseling programs with regard to her study. THE SIGNIFICANCE OF FAMILY SUPPORT DURING PREGNANCY AND CHILDBIRTH The roles of a nurse include not only caring her patient but also talking to the patient’s family and educate them. Above all things, in adolescent pregnancy, family support cannot be overemphasized because a teen mother is not prepared to give birth and breed. This video gives very useful tips to persuade their family that might be upset or frustrated due to their daugther’s or girl friend’s pregnancy in order to help the teen mother as highlighting how the teen mother feels scared and worried about her pregnancy (999advicechannel 2011). As I learned in the video, I will explain the necessity of family support and ask the family to help their adolescent mother actively in the real practice. The cooperation among the adolescent mother, family and nurse will bring about successful outcomes in the perspective of mental and physical health of the teen mother and her child. Moreover, advocatesforyouth website has offered what organization takes the initiatives and programmes for teens pregnancy in each country and the world (Graczkyk 2008). Therefore, I will recommend the programmes or organisations to a teen mother patient who does not have any family or partner that can support her in the future practice. THE NURSE’S ROLE IN RELATION TO CARING FOR AN ADOLESCENT MOTHER DURING PREGNANCY AND AFTERBIRTH A more anxious and depressed teenager mother than an adult mother needs the delicate and attentive care of a nurse (Graczkyk 2008). Therefore, the role of nurse includes mothering teenagers, educating them and their family as well as conducting professional nursing practice for them (Grazkyk 2008). websites offers Australian vaccination schedule for new born. I will memorize the immunization schedules and also provide them to a teen mother under the hospital regulation (Baby Health 2014). In addition, I will educate adolescent mothers about the significance of immunization so that they cannot miss the proper time for immunization of their children. Also, I will provide holistic education about how to care a new born baby to a teenager mother and father as I have seen the YouTube video. I will be pleased to demonstrate the ways how to feed, bathe and handle a newborn baby, otherwise, I will show the education video for teenage mothers and fathers. Moreover, I will tell them if there is any urgent situation regarding their baby, notify it to me or other nurses (InfirmaryHealth 2013). CONCLUSION Through this activity, I have become more confident and competent with respect to caring an adolescent mother. I have acknowledged that caring a teen mother is required a more considerate, and professional nursing mind that can consider their situation, anxiety and depression since a teen is not expected to be a mother as early as they can. I will facilitate the collaborative atmosphere among a teen mother, her family and me to create better outcomes of care in the health of the teen mother and the baby. Furthermore, I will provide explicit education for an adolescent mother and her family and guide them to appropriate programs and organization to help them. I am sure that I will play a major role as a nurse to care a teenager mother professionally and support them so as to prevent worse outcomes such as deterioration of their health and social problems. REFERENCES 999Advicechannel. (2011). _Teen pregnancy and support_. Retrieved from BabyHealth. (2014). _Australian vaccination schedule_. Retrieved from Graczyk. A. (2008). _Maternal mortality an overlooked crisis_. Retrieved from Infirmary Health. (2013). _Caring for your newborn baby_. Retrieved from Nurse Review . (2014_). The pregnant adolescent_. Retrieved from PCA (2014). _The Effects of Teen Pregnancy PSA_. Retrieved from Scanny Organisation (2014). _Teen pregnancy_. Retrieved from The Victoria Government. (2014). _Teenage pregnancy_. Retrieved from
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Mussolini essays
Mussolini essays Mussolini ¡s full name was Benito Mussolini. He was born in the town of Varnano dei Costa near the village of Predappio near Forli in the Romagna. Mussolini ¡s mother, Rosa Maltoni, was married to a blacksmith by the name of Alessandro Mussolini. He named his son Benito after the Mexican hero and patriot, Benito Juarez. He was born on Sunday, July 29 (1983) and died in the year 1945. When he was a child, Mussolini was know for his vanity and his quick temper. He was taught and educated in public schools and earned his diploma in 1901. With his diploma, the chances of him finding a job were inadequate and that made him move to Switzerland. While he was abroad, he studied the arts of socialists like Karl Marx(Marxism) which inspired him to become involved in socialist groups. His study of Marxism and the arts of socialists helped develop his political skills. He returned to Italy in 1904, with his techniques and his talents of journalism and dictatorship, he was able to advance in socialist circles in Italy. He was arrested in 1911for leading protests aginst the invasion of Libya After receiving this position in the paper, his pieces of work acted as 'scathing polemics ¡ against the Italian liberal government and the main opposition, the socialist reformists. In my opinion, even though is actions were against the liberal government and the fact that he was protesting against the invasion of Libya, he might have been a socialist on the outside, but a nationalist on the inside. The outbreak of the first world war was his official end with socialism. Italy entered the war in 1915 and Mussolini was dragged into it as well. In February 1917, he was badly injured when a grenade launcher he was firing exploded. The time he spent in the army and during his injury made him a more assured nationalist and that was the end of his socialist ways. After the end of the war, his sympathies lay with the country ¡s many war veterans and with t...
Monday, October 21, 2019
The use of race in Their eyes were watching god essays
The use of race in Their eyes were watching god essays The Use of Race in Their Eyes Were Watching God This novel, while poetically conveying a black woman's pursuit of true love, seriously addresses society's ability to be judgmental and oppressive. Gender, race, economic security, and social stratification share equally important roles in the development of the main character, Janie. Hurston vividly describes how each qualification specifically affects the character, although the racial implications are much more subtle. This subtlety allows the reader to mistakenly perceive indifferent or positive feelings towards the novels black community. Hurston initially establishes the ideal unimportance of race by using Janie's innocent childhood memory. Janie painfully recalls Mr. Washburn, who is the father of the family with whom they live, abusively laughing at her belief of being the same as his white children. She also remembers being teased by the other black children for her clothing, which is better than others because hers is the Washburn childrens old clothing. This recollection is multiply used by Hurston. It capitalizes childrens acceptance of people for their actions, which is surpassingly more believable than portraying adults with the same feelings. It displays the dependence of black people on white people for success. Finally, it instates the Washburn family as the representation of white culture; accordingly initiating a negative undertone towards Janies ethnicity. However, these prejudices and their undermining effect depicted within the novel are soundly contrasted by Janies peaceful disposition at the e nd of her narration. Hurston masterfully uses the emotional responses of the black characters, specifically pertaining to successful and potentially successful endeavors of Joe, as metaphors of societys prejudice. The initial astonishment of the black characters to Joes monetary holdings and accomplishments deftly...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Calculate Solubility of AgCl From Solubility Product
Calculate Solubility of AgCl From Solubility Product This example problem demonstrates how to determine the solubility of an ionic solid in water from a substances solubility product. Problem The solubility product of silver chloride (AgCl) is 1.6 x 10-10 at 25  °C.The solubility product of barium fluoride (BaF2) is 2 x 10-6 at 25  °C. Calculate the solubility of both compounds. Solutions The key to solving solubility problems is to properly set up your dissociation reactions and define solubility. Solubility is the amount of reagent that will be consumed to saturate the solution or reach the equilibrium of the dissociation reaction. AgCl The dissociation reaction of AgCl in water is: AgCl (s) ↆAg (aq) Cl- (aq) For this reaction, each mole of AgCl that dissolves produces 1 mole of both Ag and Cl-. The solubility would then equal the concentration of either the Ag or Cl ions. solubility [Ag] [Cl-] To find these concentrations, remember this formula for solubility product: Ksp [A]c[B]d So, for the reaction AB ↆcA dB: Ksp [Ag][Cl-] Since [Ag] [Cl-]: Ksp [Ag]2 1.6 x 10-10 [Ag] (1.6 x 10-10) ½ [Ag] 1.26 x 10-5 M solubility of AgCl [Ag] solubility of AgCl 1.26 x 10-5 M BaF2 The dissociation reaction of BaF2 in water is: BaF2 (s) ↆBa (aq) 2 F- (aq) The solubility is equal to the concentration of the Ba ions in solution. For every mole of Ba ions formed, 2 moles of F- ions are produced, therefore: [F-] 2 [Ba] Ksp [Ba][F-]2 Ksp [Ba](2[Ba])2 Ksp 4[Ba]3 2 x 10-6 4[Ba]3 [Ba]3  ¼(2 x 10-6) [Ba]3 5 x 10-7 [Ba] (5 x 10-7)1/3 [Ba] 7.94 x 10-3 M solubility of BaF2 [Ba] solubility of BaF2 7.94 x 10-3 M Answers The solubility of silver chloride, AgCl, is 1.26 x 10-5 M at 25  °C.The solubility of barium fluoride, BaF2, is 3.14 x 10-3 M at 25  °C.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Comparative employee relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Comparative employee relations - Essay Example They feel that labor flexibility would negatively impact bargaining power of labor and would only increase firm’s profitability. Thus they seek greater protection from increased bargaining power of employers and job insecurity. They argue that insecurity has been consistently increasing due to liberalization, privatization and globalization. It is now important to study the issue within a proper theoretical framework. What constitutes an inflexible labor market? According to Solow (1998), an inflexible labor market is created â€Å"if the level of unemployment-insurance benefits is too high or their duration is too long, or if there are many restrictions on the freedom of employers to fire and to hire, or if the permissible hours of work are too tightly regulated, or if excessive generous compensation for overtime work is mandated, or if trade unions have too much power to protect incumbent workers against competition and to control the follow of work at the site of production, or perhaps if statutory health and safety regulations are too stringent†[Solow 1998]. This definition is exhaustive enough but still doesn’t touch upon the important relevant issues of generous severance pay, costly legal battles that are important to study since they form an integral part of job security legislations. Such legisla tion regardless of the country where it was form would most likely include provisions that increase the costs connected with firing an employee and regulating hiring process. Job termination is not such an inexpensive process. It includes the costs of notification and the money incurred during non-performing period, compensation, legal costs, legal compensation, etc. Due to all these problems, employers might try to decrease the strength of workers but then comes job security legislation, which provides coverage to employees. Even in good economic times, employers might want to hire new workers but may find themselves at a disadvantage because they
Language as dialect, language and gender in the classroom Essay
Language as dialect, language and gender in the classroom - Essay Example f gender is such a great component of the social and cultural existence of humans that it is almost impossible to talk, interrelate and make judgments on others in the society without first classifying them under a certain category of gender- either male or female (Eckert and McConnell-Ginet (15). Eckert and McConnell-Ginet (10) in the definition of genders as a social construction reveal that this is the manner in which the society is able to carry out the sets of procedures that constitute the differentiation of the gender categories. Despite the fact that biological and physiological construction has a propensity to impact the male and female individuals in society, the perception of gender as a socially constructed phenomenon perceived such differences as being social in nature. Eckert and McConnell-Ginet (22) indicates that the cultural differences between boys and girls are enforced in different levels based on the societies from which they come. The children of different gende rs then indicate a preference for same-sex companies and circle. It is in these same-sex groupings that the boy and girl children begin to behave differently, acquire different perspectives of life and develop discrepant verbal cultures. The manner in which male and female individuals comprehend interrelations is very discrepant, and most times, they are ignorant of such differences. Moreover the males and females tend to suppose that the function from a similar understanding. It is such ignorance and presupposition that fuels gender- founded miscommunication (Eckert and McConnell-Ginet 24). The main point of concern for feminist linguistics is the depiction of language and gender as a social and cultural construction. Eckert and McConnell-Ginet (18) point out that voice is a very important component of language and gender. From the time, they are aged 4-5 years old, children from either sex start to make a distinction between the basic frequencies, which characterizes the voices they
Friday, October 18, 2019
Global Diversity Plan Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Global Diversity Plan - Term Paper Example Through global diversity management, heterogeneity in organizations can not only be recognized and valued to help the organization strengthen its performance. Often, managing diversity at a global level becomes a challenge for many organizations because of the numerous aspects that are involved. Global diversity management has become an integral process of an organization because mismanagement or lack of adequate management can result in different consequences such as dissatisfaction among the employees, marginalization of certain groups and impact on performance (Gardenswartz, 2003). Therefore, it is necessary to have a strategic plan as well as vision in place for diversity management at a global level that encompasses all the main risk-issues and has plans for redressing each of these issues. Objective The objective of this study is to create a strategic plan that would help in promoting in global diversity in an international organization that is based in the United States but ha s presence in China, Germany and Nigeria. As with most multi-national organizations, this organization too has a preference to maintain a consistent operating policy across the globe so that there is centralized control, better coordination and a uniform corporate culture. However, these policies would not be rigid, but would be in such a manner that it can be customized according to each particular office in a country. The long-term objective is to make global diversity as a strength for the organization. Composition and Management of Global Teams For any organization that has a high focus on global diversity management, a team of leaders from diverse locations would manage the global organization. This is imperative because this will make sure that the organization is a global organization that provides accurate representation of each of the offices across different geographies. One main aspect that needs to be highlighted in the global diversity management plan is the composition and management of global teams (Govindarajan & Gupta 2001). Even in situations where the office is much smaller when compared to other global offices, it is necessary that this office has a good representation in the global scheme of things. Even though the organization would have its headquarters in the United States, the offices in China, Germany and Nigeria will have an Office head, who would be a part of the Board of Directors so that each of these offices have equal representation and voice in critical decision making meetings. The offices have mostly been divided according the functions. The office in the United States would function as a central fulcrum and would have representation for all the functions of the organization. This is done to ensure business continuity; in the event of any situation, office is not able to function in any particular country. The sales function and marketing team would be based out of the United States because large majorities of the clients are located in the United States. The China office would focus highly on product development, where as the offices in Germany and Nigeria would work on product marketing plans. In addition, they would also participate in client interactions. Each of these functions would have a leader or head, who would report to the global leader of these functions based in the United S
THE COUNTRY OF GREECE Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
THE COUNTRY OF GREECE - Research Paper Example The Greeks were filled with the passion to fight for freedom. They spent 9 years fighting for their independence from 1821 to 1829. Their struggles ended up with the liberation of Greece when it was officially declared as an independent nation. The small part of Greece which was liberated then became the home for Greek patriots who gained the rule of lonian islands in 1864 (Gardiner et al 1985, p 382). Later on Epirus, Thessaly, Crete, Macedona, Western Thrace and Dodecanese islands were added to make this small nation one of the prominent states of the world. Greece is one of the members of European Union since 1981. It is a developed country and also a major part of other independent bodies working for the welfare of the member countries. Shipping and tourism are considered as the most profitable industries of Greece. Greek merchant ship fleet is also a reason of fame for this country. Greece follows the parliamentary democracy as its political system of Greece. This political system is defined in the constitution of Greece. The recent amendments in the constitution of Greece were found in May 2008. The powers lie with the Prime Minister and the cabinet and the government accepts the majority call in taking parliamentary decisions. The governmental system of Greece is divided into 3 branches. The executives include the president and the prime Minister who are designated as the head of the state and the head of the government respectively. The Legislative branch consists of a 300 seat unicameral â€Å"vouli†and the judicial branch comprises the Supreme Court (Clogg, 1987 pp 223-230). The Greek constitution distributes the political powers in 5 major components. These include the power held by the President of Greece, the legislative power, the power held by executives, the judiciary power and the power allocated to the local government of Greece. The electoral system adopted by Greece calls for more
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Business Environments of ALDO and Clarks shoe Companies Essay
Business Environments of ALDO and Clarks shoe Companies - Essay Example This paper illustrates that in 1993 ALDO entered the US market and in the next year it ventured out of North America. Israel was the first country outside North America where ALDO started its business under a franchisee agreement. It set ALDO’s international business model. By 2011 the company has opened more than 1000 stores operating in sixty-five countries across the globe. There are also 160 ALDO Accessories stores operating in nineteen countries. The Clarks was established as a result of an inspirational idea by James Clark. The company was founded by the joint effort of the brothers, Cyrus and James Clark in 1825 in Somerset village in the United Kingdom. The start was made with â€Å"their sheepskin slipper, named the ‘Brown Petersburg’†which was highly successful. In 1842 the monthly sales averaged at one thousand pairs a month. Initially, the entire production was prepared by hand and by the Clark brothers only. With the rise in demand, workers fr om outside were hired. In 1851 the Clark brothers were awarded â€Å"at the Great Exhibition†where the achievements of the British industry were showcased. In 1863 the factory system was established and thirty years later, in 1883, the first shoe was designed that fit the actual shape of the foot. This remains as the bedrock of reputation of this company. In 1990, the factory location was changed from the UK to Portugal following changes in trade patterns in the world. It was the onset of the company’s decision to move out and operate overseas. Presently Clarks has expanded in â€Å"Eastern and Western Europe, North America, India, as well as China†. The knowledge of the core customer base is essential for any retailer. The decision about the target market is taken on the basis of detailed analysis on the existing client base. Customer satisfaction level and loyalty, loopholes leading to customer dissatisfaction, current taste of the people in general, spending patterns of the people and scope for pulling them towards the particular brand, visions of creating new designs suiting customer preference; all these require in-depth knowledge of the customers or range of customers that a retailer targets for its sale. Respect for the customers’ preferences is very important.
Moral Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Moral Philosophy - Essay Example Brock sees no difference between theses two, and I would say I have to agree. Does it really matter who is doing the killing if in fact there is killing taking place Either way the outcome is the same, I don't think it really matters who is holding the needle or who is administering the dosage. There is plenty of relevance in this debate as well to the other debate over the distinction between killing and letting die. Is there really a difference between killing somebody or simply standing by and watching or letting them die I like to think it depend on the scenario, for if you try to help them out then you are really not letting them die so to speak. But people will often try to use their belief that there is a distinction between them to try to work against the legislation of these types of programs. People will use the argument that there is a huge difference between them and that killing somebody is ethically wrong compared to letting their natural time come and letting them die. They will try to use this to block any measures to give people the choice of these types of death methods, and there may be some merit in their ideas. On t
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Business Environments of ALDO and Clarks shoe Companies Essay
Business Environments of ALDO and Clarks shoe Companies - Essay Example This paper illustrates that in 1993 ALDO entered the US market and in the next year it ventured out of North America. Israel was the first country outside North America where ALDO started its business under a franchisee agreement. It set ALDO’s international business model. By 2011 the company has opened more than 1000 stores operating in sixty-five countries across the globe. There are also 160 ALDO Accessories stores operating in nineteen countries. The Clarks was established as a result of an inspirational idea by James Clark. The company was founded by the joint effort of the brothers, Cyrus and James Clark in 1825 in Somerset village in the United Kingdom. The start was made with â€Å"their sheepskin slipper, named the ‘Brown Petersburg’†which was highly successful. In 1842 the monthly sales averaged at one thousand pairs a month. Initially, the entire production was prepared by hand and by the Clark brothers only. With the rise in demand, workers fr om outside were hired. In 1851 the Clark brothers were awarded â€Å"at the Great Exhibition†where the achievements of the British industry were showcased. In 1863 the factory system was established and thirty years later, in 1883, the first shoe was designed that fit the actual shape of the foot. This remains as the bedrock of reputation of this company. In 1990, the factory location was changed from the UK to Portugal following changes in trade patterns in the world. It was the onset of the company’s decision to move out and operate overseas. Presently Clarks has expanded in â€Å"Eastern and Western Europe, North America, India, as well as China†. The knowledge of the core customer base is essential for any retailer. The decision about the target market is taken on the basis of detailed analysis on the existing client base. Customer satisfaction level and loyalty, loopholes leading to customer dissatisfaction, current taste of the people in general, spending patterns of the people and scope for pulling them towards the particular brand, visions of creating new designs suiting customer preference; all these require in-depth knowledge of the customers or range of customers that a retailer targets for its sale. Respect for the customers’ preferences is very important.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Analysis of the film <Requiem for a Dream (2000) > Research Paper
Analysis of the film - Research Paper Example It speaks of several forms of drug addictions and their consequences. The importance of the film also lies in its ability to understand the ways in which family ties and bonds are severed irreparably through the use of drugs. The ability of the movie to manoeuver through the technical aspects of filmmaking is also brilliant. The movie is noteworthy not only for its deft handling of the theme but also for the team’s ability to use sound and lighting to weave itself into the story. The movie is not a long one and its runtime is just one hundred and one minutes. This means that the story is told without any additional frills. It stands on its own and this is thanks to the excellent editing that was performed on it. The scenes that are shown in the edited version of the movie reveals how details are squeezed into every frame in order to keep the runtime short and the pace quick. The pace of the movie varies according to the mood that its protagonists are in. Given that this is a movie that speaks of the metal states and social positions of drug addicts, there are several changes of pace that the movie undergoes. This is significant as it makes it possible for the viewer to understand better exactly what the mental conditions of the protagonists are. They are also able to understand better the situations that drug addicts put themselves through once they are deprived of what comes to become their lifeblood. This irony is what the changes of pace are able to conve y in the movie without taking the viewer on an unnecessary roller-coaster ride that may have degenerated into melodrama. The movie’s slick editing makes it possible for the viewer to retain the message of the movie without the movie having to be preachy in its tone. This, according to many was one of the major victories of the movie. The lighting of any movie is something that complements its
Monday, October 14, 2019
Academic dishonesty Essay Example for Free
Academic dishonesty Essay You are expected to demonstrate professionalism throughout your graduate education program. Professionalism includes the ways you participate in the university classroom and in teaching experiences in school. Your professional disposition is reviewed by advisors, professors, and the Professional Standards Committee. Exhibiting professionalism in the university classroom and the schools is a necessary requirement for continuing in the program. |Areas of | |Professional Dispositions | | | |Dependability and Reliability – Candidate demonstrates behaviors that are characteristic of the professional teacher such as | |punctuality, attendance and organization. Lessons are very well-planned and presented. | |Respect -Candidate demonstrates respect for supervisors and colleagues, students and other educational stakeholders, and is held in| |esteem by peers and supervisors. | |Commitment and Initiative – Candidate demonstrates commitment to learning and students; creates different learning strategies for | |students; and shares new and unusual professional resources with colleagues. | |Responsiveness – Candidate seeks and values constructive feedback from peers, instructors, and mentors; and goes beyond the call of| |duty to utilized feedback in teaching and planning. | |Collaboration Candidate creates positives relationships within the university classroom and with stakeholders in the school | |community as well as suggests tips for sustaining positive relationships. See more: First Poem for You Essay | |Open-Mindedness Candidate demonstrates willingness that is characteristic of professionals in terms of willingness to examine | |both traditional and innovative practices, and demonstrates flexibility when dealing with uncertainty and complex educational | |issues through personal extensive inquiry and consultation. | |Knowledgeable – Candidate demonstrates awareness of current educational issues and demonstrates the ability to illustrate and apply| |subject matter concepts consistently and sequentially in lessons. | |Communication Candidate demonstrates the ability to effectively write and speak, how to assist students in successfully utilizing| |applicable concepts of the language arts in terms of mastery as indicated by students’ work and grades. | |Confidentiality Candidate demonstrates characteristics of the professional teachers such as sharing information about students | |and specific classroom anecdotes in confidential and respectful ways. Candidate shares information only with those who need to | |know. | |Academic Honesty Candidate demonstrates academic honesty, a behavior that is characteristic of a professional teacher by | |producing independent, original work. | |Appearance Candidate consistently wears appropriate professional attire while teaching. | |Teaching Effectiveness Candidate demonstrates the ability to plan and to engage students in productive learning events that | |feature critical and insightful thinking, and demonstrates effective management skills by using a variety of strategies to foster | |appropriate student behavior according to individual and situational needs. | |Fairness Candidate engages in practices that recognize all students, and all students received constructive feedback and | |encouragement. Student progress is recognized as well as mastery. All students believe that they can improve. | |Bias Candidate engages in practices that recognize all students and encourage active student participation in activities and | |discussion that highlight the value of diversity and the richness of student’s experience. | I have read and understood this statement of my professional responsibilities. Student Name (print)_______________________________________ Date __________________ Revised 7/1/2011 IV. Go to this link http://www. lib. usm. edu/legacy/plag/plagiarismtutorial. php and go through the plagiarism tutorial. Remember that using a paper, article review, etc. from another course is also considered plagiarism. Send the posttest scores to my email address. V. Please read the Academic Integrity Policy (located under content) before signing the documents below. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Student Signature Form Academic Honor Pledge I promise or affirm that I will not at any time be involved in cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, or any other acts of academic dishonesty as defined by university policy which explains the disciplinary procedure resulting from violations of academic integrity. I understand that violation of this code will result in penalties, which could include suspension or dismissal from the university. (Student Handbook AKA The Red Book) Initial each below that is applicable. __________I have read and understand the Academic Honor Pledge above. __________I have read and understand the Academic Integrity Policy provided in the Student Handbook AKA The Red Book. __________The instructor, _____________________________, covered the Academic Integrity Policy in class, EDU _____________ for the _________________ term. __________I have gone over one or both of the tutorials (links provided in the syllabus) on plagiarism. ____________________________________________________________ Print Name Date VI. Read Chapter 1 in your TestBook and the Introduction Powerpoint located under Module I before completing the questions below. Classify each by research type: descriptive/survey, correlational, causal-comparative, experimental, or qualitative. If causal-comparative or experimental, identify the independent and dependent variables. If correlational, identify predictor and criterion variables if there are any. 1. The purpose of this research is to examine the relationship between creativity and achievement. 2. The purpose of this research is to examine prediction of success in physics based on a physics aptitude test. 3. The purpose of this research is to examine the effect of birth order on academic achievement. 4. The purpose of this research is to examine self-esteem of males versus females 5. The purpose of this research is to examine the attitudes of parents toward lowering the mandatory school attendance age from 16 to 14 years of age. 6. The purpose of this research is to examine the ethnography of teacher-parent conferences. 7. The purpose of this research is to examine opinions of principals regarding decentralization of decision-making. 8. The purpose of this research is to examine effects of assertive discipline on the behavior of children with hyperactivity. 9. The purpose of this research is to examine the relationship between the time it takes to run the 100-yard dash and high jumping performance. 10. The purpose of this research is to examine the effectiveness of daily homework with respect to achievement in Algebra I. 11. The purpose of this research is to examine the attitudes of teachers toward school-based management. 12. The purpose of this research is to examine the effect of superintendents via observations and conversations. 13. The purpose of this research is to examine comparative effectiveness of the whole-language method versus the basal method of reading instruction. 14. The purpose of this research is to examine trends in reading methods from 1950 to 1990. 15. The purpose of this research is to examine if children’s social adjustment in Grade 1 is enhanced by increased dramatic play in kindergarten. 16. The purpose of this research is to examine if there is a negative relationship between amount of assigned homework and student attitude toward school. 17. The purpose of this research is to examine if longer school days produce a decrease in student participation in extra-curricular activities. The purpose of this research is to examine if students will achieve better in mathematics if they use Saxon Textbooks rather than if they use Merrill Textbooks.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Internet and Technology - Carnivore and the Publics Privacy Essay
Internet and Technology - Carnivore and the Public's Privacy Abstract: This paper discusses the potential for widespread invasion of the public's privacy on the Internet by the United States government. In particular, the paper will address the Carnivore system employed by the FBI. It will show the privacy issues that are raised by the FBI's attempt to create an Internet wiretap system. In today's world, where the Internet has pervaded so many aspects of our daily lives, it is important to consider the security of the information one transmits digitally over a network. Ideally, any transmitted data would reach its intended destination without ever being visible to anyone else. Unfortunately, the very nature of computer networks makes this impossible. Carnivore attempts to take advantage of this in order to create the equivalent of an Internet wiretap. However, the present implementation raises certain privacy issues. Carnivore is the FBI's attempt to create the digital equivalent of an analog wiretap. Carnivore functions like many other packet sniffers (network programs that capture all data that they see) that have been available for years; it enters a promiscuous mode where it collects every packet available on the network, whether or not the packet is intended for that machine. Carnivore is then able to piece the packets together in order to reconstruct the original data. The intent is to capture email content without needing to go through the process of obtaining legal access to the files on the mail server of the Internet Service Provider (ISP). However, there is no reason why the same process could not be used to reconstruct other user transactions such as instant messages, chat... ... only methods of precaution available to network users if there is someone sniffing packets. Carnivore poses certain concerns to any network user concerned about their security. Unfortunately many of the issues are in the hands of the FBI and not the common civilian population of the United States, because it does not seem as though Carnivore will be forced to change. As a result, the only safeguard available to most people is encryption of any important information that is transmitted over a network. Public awareness of the issues involved, and the voicing of the concerns could prompt legislation to ensure that personal privacy is observed and respected by the FBI. In the meantime, the FBI will have to be trusted to handle the power provided by Carnivore in an ethical manner, doing everything they can to respect the privacy of the common citizen.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Sound and Sense in Langston Hughes The Negro Speaks of Rivers Essay
Sound and Sense in Langston Hughes' The Negro Speaks of Rivers  The text of the poem can be found at the bottom of this page.         In Langston Hughes' poem "The Negro Speaks of Rivers," Hughes makes use of some interesting poetic techniques. This poem is written in free verse, and seems, at first glance, to be very unstructured. Hughes repeats words and lines, but does not make use of repeated sounds. Hughes' rivers are very rich in symbolism, and are not just simple bodies of water. Finally, some of his word choices near the end of the poem help to bring the message of the poem across more strongly. These poetic techniques contribute greatly to the quality of the poem.  In this poem, Hughes chooses to use free verse. This is typical of Hughes, who was a pioneer of so-called "spoken-word poetry," as opposed to more structured forms. Hughes was inspired by black American traditions, and wanted to make his poems accessible to everyone, and accurately reflect American life. He wrote this poem in words that common people of his time could understand, even if they did not have a great education. Since much of Hughes' intended audience was black and not well educated, Hughes wrote a poem that does not require much formal poetic training to understand. However, it is also a very deep poem, one that still lends itself to these methods of study.  Hughes makes use of repeated words and even repeats lines, but does not use alliteration, assonance, or consonance. The lack of sound repetition helps to stop the poem from having a "singsong" tone, which is not needed in a poem with a "serious" message such as this. The poem, though, takes on a structure that is reminiscent of many black spirituals, a form with whic... ...  Works Cited American Heritage Dictionary of The English Language, The. Third Edition. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1992. "It's A Hughes Thang." (18 May 1998). "Student Commentaries - Langston Hughes." (18 May 1998).  The Negro Speaks of Rivers By Langston Hughes I've known rivers: I've known rivers ancient as the world and older than the flow of human blood in human veins. My soul has grown deep like the rivers. I bathed in the Euphrates when dawns were young. I built my hut near the Congo and it lulled me to sleep. I looked upon the Nile and raised the pyramids above it. I heard the singing of the Mississippi when Abe Lincoln went down to New Orleans, and I've seen its muddy bosom turn all golden in the sunset. I've known rivers: Ancient, dusky rivers. My soul has grown deep like the rivers.  Sound and Sense in Langston Hughes' The Negro Speaks of Rivers Essay Sound and Sense in Langston Hughes' The Negro Speaks of Rivers  The text of the poem can be found at the bottom of this page.         In Langston Hughes' poem "The Negro Speaks of Rivers," Hughes makes use of some interesting poetic techniques. This poem is written in free verse, and seems, at first glance, to be very unstructured. Hughes repeats words and lines, but does not make use of repeated sounds. Hughes' rivers are very rich in symbolism, and are not just simple bodies of water. Finally, some of his word choices near the end of the poem help to bring the message of the poem across more strongly. These poetic techniques contribute greatly to the quality of the poem.  In this poem, Hughes chooses to use free verse. This is typical of Hughes, who was a pioneer of so-called "spoken-word poetry," as opposed to more structured forms. Hughes was inspired by black American traditions, and wanted to make his poems accessible to everyone, and accurately reflect American life. He wrote this poem in words that common people of his time could understand, even if they did not have a great education. Since much of Hughes' intended audience was black and not well educated, Hughes wrote a poem that does not require much formal poetic training to understand. However, it is also a very deep poem, one that still lends itself to these methods of study.  Hughes makes use of repeated words and even repeats lines, but does not use alliteration, assonance, or consonance. The lack of sound repetition helps to stop the poem from having a "singsong" tone, which is not needed in a poem with a "serious" message such as this. The poem, though, takes on a structure that is reminiscent of many black spirituals, a form with whic... ...  Works Cited American Heritage Dictionary of The English Language, The. Third Edition. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1992. "It's A Hughes Thang." (18 May 1998). "Student Commentaries - Langston Hughes." (18 May 1998).  The Negro Speaks of Rivers By Langston Hughes I've known rivers: I've known rivers ancient as the world and older than the flow of human blood in human veins. My soul has grown deep like the rivers. I bathed in the Euphrates when dawns were young. I built my hut near the Congo and it lulled me to sleep. I looked upon the Nile and raised the pyramids above it. I heard the singing of the Mississippi when Abe Lincoln went down to New Orleans, and I've seen its muddy bosom turn all golden in the sunset. I've known rivers: Ancient, dusky rivers. My soul has grown deep like the rivers. Â
Friday, October 11, 2019
The Union of American Federation of Labor
Early american workers dealt with many problems. These problems ranged from child labor to unemployment. The workers also tried to set up groups, called unions, that they could call their own. The owners of the companies they worked for could not give the workers what they deserved because of their unions. Many unions also helped shape our modern US history by helping the people come together as a whole. One such union was the American Federation of Labor (A. F. of L. ). The unions of the A. F. of L. laced great emphasis on written collective agreements, including the closed shop, in which only union members are permitted to work. The A. F. of L. unions also insisted that members pay relatively high dues, and many of them established insurance and strike benefits. They became known to be job consciousness rather than class consciousness. The start of the A. F. of L. started with the beliefs of one man. That man was Samuel Gompers. He believed in organizing skilled workers ofd the same craft, build unions of plumbers, or carpenters, or cigar makers. By establishing these unions, a labor movement started to unfold. He split the American unions from the class struggle, and made it a partner to the US and not an enemy as people thought unions were. Gompers made unions respectable to the people. Child Labor The A. F. of L. was a pioneer in restricting child labor. The A. F. of L. would have a law passed by the Congress but the Supreme court would say Congress over stepped its powers. Even though this slowed the progress of child labor laws, it did not stop Gompers from trying to start the laws. The A. F. of L. held a conference in 1922 in which any union who wished to see the abolition of child labor was invited. The council worked for the restriction of child labor by writing an amendment that did not get enough votes to pass. It was not until the 1930†³s that some forms of restriction come about. Unemployment The depression in the 1930†³s gave way to massive unemployment. In 1929, 3. 2% of the workers could not find work. In 1933, it rose to over 24. 9% of the workers not being able to find work. The A. F. of L. ecognized the problem of unemployment even before it became a problem in the 1930†³s. The A. F. of L. had a plan for meeting unemployment: (1) establishment of a national employment service by Congress; (2) census of unemployment to be included in the census to be taken in 1930; and (3) regularization of employment by management to provide stable work. The plan also represented the following program as a means for relieving unemployment: (1) shorter work hours to be introduced in industry, with the five days week and vacations with pay; (2) stabilization of employment. With the effort of the A. F. of L. , unemployment was greatly reduced, but not completely and jobs for workers became easier to attain and keep. Education The A. F. of L. has always supported the education of children and the free public school. They liked the idea of â€Å"enactments that will enforce the education of children. †They supported free textbooks to the school children and the establishment of part time classes for the education of minors who were employed. Federal aid to the A. F of L. eant four items: (1) able to pay the teachers; (2) aid to protect the health of the student; (3) scholarships to help those in need to further education; and (4) support in a school building program. Extra funds would be distributed based on need. In 1920, the Workers†Education Bureau was established with the help of the A. F. of L. The bureau was to promote and assist educational work done by the unions. The bureau became an important and very functional part of the A. F. of L. Merger of AFL and CIO The A. F. of L. and the C. I. O (another strong union) saw that unions would be better able to serve their members and the community if a labor unity was reached. Talks soon started with the help of President Roosevelt but were soon halted by both sides in 1939. Talks did not resume until 1942 where an agreement was negotiated. The agreement was signed by three members of both unions who were put in charge of the agreement. But the major leaders of both unions accused the other of raiding They said that talks could not go farther until they agreed that neither side would raid and the war was over. Year after year, very little progress was made, but enough to keep the talks going. Serious negotiations were not made until 1947. Closer cooperation between both groups slowly began with the help of local groups affiliated with the two unions. In 1954, both sides agreed to the no-raiding policy. The new A. F. L-C. I. O spent time examining their differences standing in the way of finalizing their unity. In 1955, all differences were sorted out and on February 9, the Merger Agreement was signed. On this day, the American Federation of Labor finished its seventy-five years of existence. The Union of American Federation of Labor Early american workers dealt with many problems. These problems ranged from child labor to unemployment. The workers also tried to set up groups, called unions, that they could call their own. The owners of the companies they worked for could not give the workers what they deserved because of their unions. Many unions also helped shape our modern US history by helping the people come together as a whole. One such union was the American Federation of Labor (A. F. of L. ). The unions of the A. F. of L. laced great emphasis on written collective agreements, including the closed shop, in which only union members are permitted to work. The A. F. of L. unions also insisted that members pay relatively high dues, and many of them established insurance and strike benefits. They became known to be job consciousness rather than class consciousness. The start of the A. F. of L. started with the beliefs of one man. That man was Samuel Gompers. He believed in organizing skilled workers ofd the same craft, build unions of plumbers, or carpenters, or cigar makers. By establishing these unions, a labor movement started to unfold. He split the American unions from the class struggle, and made it a partner to the US and not an enemy as people thought unions were. Gompers made unions respectable to the people. Child Labor The A. F. of L. was a pioneer in restricting child labor. The A. F. of L. would have a law passed by the Congress but the Supreme court would say Congress over stepped its powers. Even though this slowed the progress of child labor laws, it did not stop Gompers from trying to start the laws. The A. F. of L. held a conference in 1922 in which any union who wished to see the abolition of child labor was invited. The council worked for the restriction of child labor by writing an amendment that did not get enough votes to pass. It was not until the 1930†³s that some forms of restriction come about. Unemployment The depression in the 1930†³s gave way to massive unemployment. In 1929, 3. 2% of the workers could not find work. In 1933, it rose to over 24. 9% of the workers not being able to find work. The A. F. of L. ecognized the problem of unemployment even before it became a problem in the 1930†³s. The A. F. of L. had a plan for meeting unemployment: (1) establishment of a national employment service by Congress; (2) census of unemployment to be included in the census to be taken in 1930; and (3) regularization of employment by management to provide stable work. The plan also represented the following program as a means for relieving unemployment: (1) shorter work hours to be introduced in industry, with the five days week and vacations with pay; (2) stabilization of employment. With the effort of the A. F. of L. , unemployment was greatly reduced, but not completely and jobs for workers became easier to attain and keep. Education The A. F. of L. has always supported the education of children and the free public school. They liked the idea of â€Å"enactments that will enforce the education of children. †They supported free textbooks to the school children and the establishment of part time classes for the education of minors who were employed. Federal aid to the A. F of L. eant four items: (1) able to pay the teachers; (2) aid to protect the health of the student; (3) scholarships to help those in need to further education; and (4) support in a school building program. Extra funds would be distributed based on need. In 1920, the Workers†Education Bureau was established with the help of the A. F. of L. The bureau was to promote and assist educational work done by the unions. The bureau became an important and very functional part of the A. F. of L. Merger of AFL and CIO The A. F. of L. and the C. I. O (another strong union) saw that unions would be better able to serve their members and the community if a labor unity was reached. Talks soon started with the help of President Roosevelt but were soon halted by both sides in 1939. Talks did not resume until 1942 where an agreement was negotiated. The agreement was signed by three members of both unions who were put in charge of the agreement. But the major leaders of both unions accused the other of raiding They said that talks could not go farther until they agreed that neither side would raid and the war was over. Year after year, very little progress was made, but enough to keep the talks going. Serious negotiations were not made until 1947. Closer cooperation between both groups slowly began with the help of local groups affiliated with the two unions. In 1954, both sides agreed to the no-raiding policy. The new A. F. L-C. I. O spent time examining their differences standing in the way of finalizing their unity. In 1955, all differences were sorted out and on February 9, the Merger Agreement was signed. On this day, the American Federation of Labor finished its seventy-five years of existence.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Elizabethan Age – Age of Marlowe and Shakespeare
Elizabethan age was an era of extraordinary juxtaposition of whole new avenue of thoughts and avalanche of ideologies, which flowed in words of great literary geniuses. It began with the spirit of Renaissance marked by the quest for adventure and material wealth. It was the age when the minds of the people were lured by the new visions of distant lands rich in gold jewels and were swayed by the captivating charm of the beauty and loveliness. Music, dance and mirth played a significant part in their lives. On the other hand, Elizabethan era also saw the decay of moral values. From the noble class to gentry and from royalties to peasantry: people in an inexhaustible pursuit of materialism devoid from spirituality, adopted greed and corrupt values. The literature world delved deep into the psyche of the masses to illustrate the situation whereby in their quest for lavish life, they forgot that a tragic end awaits them. Both Marlowe and Shakespeare created the characters in their enduring plays Doctor Faustus and Hamlet, Prince of Denmark who became the emblem of tragic heroes. Both protagonists enjoyed a life of royalty because of their noble birth but both of their lives ended in tragedy in virtue of their most tragic flaw in their character. Their flaw was their greed and pride, which led them to pursue their evil designs and eventually their death. Marlowe’s hero is  Faustus who had extraordinary qualities and was a super human but his consuming passion reaches beyond the ordinary aspiration until he met with his fate. On the other hand, we cannot say Hamlet was lacking in moral values but he was also a conqueror and his greed to revenge the murder of his father surpassed all his good actions and deeds. For the pow er and wealth, Claudius murdered King Hamlet whose soul wanders and tortures the young Hamlet to ponder upon some foul play. Faustus and Hamlet exemplified the different faces of the human struggle of choosing between doing good and evil and how the correct or wrong choices and actions surpass the moral fiber of the individual. An overview of Dr. Faustus would reflect how a man overpowered by greed and ambition can be driven to sell his soul to the Devil but in the end would suffer the consequences of such a repugnant act. He abjured the scriptures, the Trinity and Christ to fulfill his inordinate ambition to gain super human powers by gaining mastery over unholy art of magic. By selling the soul to Devil, he lives a blasphemous life full of vain and sensual pleasures in 24 years and did not even hesitate to insult and assault the Pope with the Holy Fathers at Rome (Sparknotes 2007, Doctor Faustus). Though he felt a constant dispute in his soul between his overweening ambition and conscience, he ignored such conviction until the time wherein it was too late as eternal damnation awaited him (Sparknotes 2007, Doctor Faustus). In his inordinate passion to unravel all the mysteries of the universe, he forgot that he cannot overpower the time and when ultimately the time came for the devil claim his soul, he rea lizes that his sins are unpardonable and nothing can save him. Before the devil totally snatches his soul to bring him to hell, Marlowe wrote a poignant expression of Faustus’ final soliloquy: â€Å"My God, my God, look not so fierce to me! Adders and serpents let me breathe a while! Ugly hell, gape not: come not Lucifer:  I’ll burn my books: Ah, Mephistophilis†(Marlowe1588, Scene XIV)! Shakespeare’s Hamlet told of a tragic end brought about by bitterness and revenge- but the end of Hamlet was not due to the flaw in his moral character but the waver of the mind of the noble soul to avenge the death of his father. The play began with the presence of supernatural element in the form of the Ghost of Hamlet’s father. The figure of Ghost implied the emergence of tragedy that would change the course of Hamlet’s life because of the greed of Hamlet’s uncle, Claudius who later ascended to the throne of Denmark after marrying Hamlet’s mother (Sparknote 2007, Hamlet). Torn between righteousness and vengeance, Hamlet decided to avenge the death of his father but as he was thoughtful by nature, he delayed the revenge and instead entered in a deep melancholy. A definitive turn of events caused Hamlet’s fit of rage happened when he attempted of to kill Claudius, mistakenly he killed Polonius. Hearing the news of the death of Polonius, Ophe lia, Hamlet’s lover, went mad with grief and killed herself by drowning in the river (Sparknote 2007, Hamlet). Laertes wanted to avenge his father, Polonius and his sister, Ophelia’s death. Taking the advantage of confusion, Claudius instigated Laertes for a duel with Hamlet that allowed him to position a poisoned sword in Laertes hand to use against Hamlet, as well as poisoned drink (Sparknote 2007, Hamlet). Wounded Hamlet proved Claudius’ guilt from the dying Laertes; he picked up a poisoned sword, stabbed Claudius and forced him to drink the remaining of the poisoned wine. Claudius went into the eternal doom and Hamlet too died after he had his revenge. The first point of comparison easily becomes the moral fiber that Faustus and Hamlet had as two individuals reflected different motives and different objectives throughout that frame of the play. Marlowe had captured the moral value of greed for materialistic desires in the form of Dr. Faustus’ aspirations for gaining the knowledge of black magic. He had selfish motives that were strong enough for him to bid farewell the religious values of medieval period that valued Christian principles and that focused on the Will of God. Faustus believed that â€Å"these metaphysics of magicians and necromantic books are heavenly; O, what a world of profit and delight of power, of honor of Omnipotence, Is promised to the studious artizen: All things that move between the quiet poles shall be at my command†(Marlowe 1588, Scene I). Such a statement showed why Faustus was drawn to the black arts; he desired power and decided it was better than the traditional norms of knowledge th ey were accustomed to. He constructed his own demise when he initiated the deal with the Devil. He considered different fields of knowledge and dismissed them to be nothing compared to black arts, seeing them as something that would make him â€Å"a mighty god†(Marlowe 1588, Scene 1 Line 62). It was this greed that dominated Faustus’ morality that led him to be impressed with Mephastophilis’ lie of his so-called freedom and power (Marlowe 1588, Scene III Lines 76-80). On the contrary, Shakespeare’s protagonist, Hamlet was presented as a noble soul and possessed strong moral convictions. Although revenge was not considered morally righteous, it was his response to the evil that was injected in his life by his father’s murder. It presented a more human response to evil and how he adapted such ways because of the circumstance and not for his own selfish desires for wealth and power. As an effect, he killed Polonius whom he had mistaken for Claudius, his father’s murderer. Hamlet believed that it was his moral duty to avenge his father for his father to rest in peace. Hamlet declared such duty when he said â€Å"The time is out of joint, O cursed spite, That ever I was born to set it right†(Shakespeare 1600, Act I Scene V). Furthermore, Hamlet had shown disgust to other forms of immorality within his family as shown in how he hated his mother’s relationship with Claudius (Shakespeare 1600, Act I Scene II). According to Studer-Pauer (1994), â€Å"He acts rather on his moral sense of duty†¦ knowing that at the same time that he is sacrificing his own happiness and life, we consider Hamlet not only morally impeccable, but, indeed, a heroic figure†(94). The function of Hamlet’s complexity exemplifies a person’s goodness and how it can be challenged during the most difficult of situations. On the other hand, Faustus showed how some humans would not stop until they are satisfied with what they have, even reaching the most wretched of options to attain an imaginary level of satisfaction. The second point of comparison the Hamlet and Dr. Faustus in the actions they took to carry out their plans to achieve their goals. Faustus defied the medieval conventions of love, selflessness and trust to become all powerful and wealthy. He was an exaggerated manifestation of a man from the Renaissance period whereby man can go into an extreme extent to achieve his aims. Faustus pushed the limits of morality the different extents in their travels throughout Europe. There was a time wherein he even went to the pope. Mephastophilis and Faustus even used their powers to play tricks on the pope. During meal time, the two made themselves invisible to curse and to cause such a ruckus as the friars and the attendants tried to drive out the believed ghost from their presence. Faustus’ character showed that was the actually the one looking for trouble as his actions either provoked or caused it. A number of passages like the one below show the lack of wisdom Faustus held on the conce pt of hell. Mephastophilis describes hell to be any place that is not heaven. Faustus took hell merely as a continuation of the life on earth. His lack of morality blinded him from seeing the difference between him and Mephastophilis that he is not yet damned to hell for eternity and that he still had time to repent. However, he chose to see hell in a different light that made it seem a lot bearable that it was (Marlowe 1588, Scene V Lines 133-135). Hamlet’s motive was still connected to his sense of duty to his father’s vengeance. However, the route he took to achieve such goal was not through justice and righteousness by law. He took matters into his own hands with a path inconsistent with Christian values. Homicide and deception became his tools for revenge. He reveals such disdain for himself and his actions in a conversation with Ophelia, â€Å"I am myself indifferent honest; but yet I could accuse me of such things that it were better my mother had not borne me: I am very proud, revengeful, ambitious, with more offences at my beck than I have thoughts to put them in, imagination to give them shape, or time to act them in. What should such fellows as I do crawling between earth and heaven†(Shakespeare 1600, Act III, Scene I)? There was also a time when Claudius and even Hamlet’s own mother Gertrude did not want him to go home from school. Hamlet was such a deep thinker that he almost drove himself insane from all the pondering he has done, however it has driven him to melancholy. He was so depressed that he even contemplated on suicide. â€Å"O that this too solid flesh would melt, Thaw, and resolve itself into dew! Or that the Everlasting had not fix’d His canon ’gainst self-slaughter! O God! O God! How weary, stale, flat, and unprofitable Seem to me all the uses of this world†(Shakespeare 1600, Act I Scene 2)! He did not commit suicide but his final actions led him to stab Claudius after Laertes revealed to him that he was truly the one to blame for the former King’s death. When Hamlet had received be vengeance for his father, he has already killed Polonius and Laertes by his sword and the play ends in a tragedy. The actions of the two protagonists showed how choices made and the actions taken were important despite the fact that one holds a high degree of morality and righteousness. In the same way that the biblical truth goes, faith without action is dead. Hamlet’s morality and goodness would not matter if he chose to do evil. Faustus from the start lacked that fiber of morality and it was reflected in how he was clueless as to what he was getting into. The third point lies on the fact that both lead characters from both plays exemplified the fight for goodness as both struggled throughout the play about the righteousness of their actions. Both of them had scenes wherein there was an inner struggle in their souls about the consequences of their deeds, an inner conflict of following good or evil. There may be a varying degree of the level of struggle and goodness; the point is it existed for both characters. Even if Faustus has already sold his soul to the devil there were countless instances wherein good tried interfering to push him to ask for forgiveness and repentance. In the beginning, there was a time wherein a good angel and the evil angel reflected that Faustus’ struggle whether he should stop studying the black arts and turn to the Scriptures of God again. Like the other times that he struggled, he chose the evil path. Near his death, he was urged by an old man to repent and to ask for forgiveness from God, â€Å"Ah, stay, good Faustus, stay thy desperate steps! I see an angel hovers o'er thy head, And, with a vial full of precious grace, Offers to pour the same into thy soul: Then call for mercy, and avoid despair†(Marlowe 1588, Scene XII Lines 44-46). Once again, Faustus listened to Mephastophilis. He renewed his vow to the devil and stabbed himself sending him to an eternity in hell. Even in his final hours when there he was asking for mercy. However, he could not completely be freed from his ties with the devil partly because he did not have enough faith the God would forgive him. It is Hamlet’s nature to be meditating on the things that are going on around him.  The presence of the ghost that was supposed to be his father’s symbolized his contemplation of whether the ghost really was his father or if it was an evil spirit trying to get him to murder Claudius. Hamlet caught up in the despair of it all said, â€Å"To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them†(Shakespeare 1600, Act III Scene 1). His despair brought him to a point of hopelessness and depression that he questioned whether it was better to take his own life, which was a mortal sin, or to live and suffer. Nevertheless, Hamlet suffered and struggled inside for the rest of the play, more so because of his genuine goodness. Faustus showed the same regard for the consequences of his actions. Both opted to choose evil, even if one was lesser than the others; one chose revenge over justice, the other chose temporary wealth and power over salvation. There was reformation in every sphere of life and people were swept by the waves of such change of mindsets. The struggle for good and evil reflects the reality of the common man who constantly fights to uphold goodness in one’s life. A number of times, people fail to triumph over evil as the will grows weaker against the desires of the heart. The important lesson manifested in both plays was the importance of choices that is available to everyone. Bibliography Marlowe C. (1588). Doctor Faustus. New York: P.F. Collier ; Son Company, 1909–14 Shakespeare W. (1600) .Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. New York: The Norton Shakespeare: W.W. Norton ; Company, Inc. (2007). Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark. Retrieved on October 17, 2007, from (2007). Faustus. Retrieved on October 17, 2007, from Studer-Pauer, H. (1994). Norms, Values, and Society. Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers. ; ;
Mcbride Financial Service Essay
The purpose of this paper is to develop a marketing plan for McBride Financial Service. The paper will include what type of market research McBride should undertake. The various types of media Mcbride should use in the marketing plan. This paper will cover McBride’s target markets and explain why they are targets for McBride Financial Service. This paper will also cover what the considerations are for McBride to conduct a portion of their marketing on the Internet. Market research is a technique used to determine the acceptance of a product or service within different demographics. In the book Marketing: An Introduction market research is defined as [a systematic design, collection, analysis, and reporting of data relevant to a specific marketing situation facing an organization](Armstrong, 2011). A company can use market research to develop a target audience to help them pinpoint a specific demographic to market in. There are several forms of market research that McBride can use to help develop their marketing plan. The first would be online market research that will consist of Internet surveys and online focus groups. Online market research is easy for people in every demographic to participate in from home eliminating the need to travel to participate in focus groups. Internet surveys are taken online and the person filling out the surveys avoid the hassle of mailing the surveys back by simply clicking submit. Telephone interviewing is one of the fastest ways for a company to gather information for market research. Telephone interviewing is more personable than mail or Internet surveys and would be recommended for McBride Financial Services. An effective marketing plan should include using various types of media to advertise the goods or services a company offers. Types of media include radio, television, outdoor media, Internet, magazines, and newspapers. McBride Financial Service has many options to choose from concerning marketing media to advertise their organization. Television ads are seen by the most people, but they are also cost the most money to obtain a prime spot. Radio can target specific audiences at a lower cost but a company needs to buy time on several stations to obtain good reach. It is recommended that McBride incorporate a mixture of media in their marketing plan. These following types of media will be included television, radio, Internet and, magazines. Television as mentioned earlier in this paper is the best form of advertising so McBribe cannot hope to have a good marketing plan without it. Television ads will not be the main form of media because of the high cost. Because one of McBride’s target markets is retirees they will be buying ad space in retirement magazines like AARP. This will allow McBride to focus in on retired people or are getting close to retirement. Newspapers are a dying form of media so McBride will avoid buying ad space in any of them. This section of the paper will focus in on why Mcbride should consider conducting a major portion of their marketing via the Internet. The Internet is a major influence in society today with millions of people surfing the web every hour. This is an opportunity that McBride needs to take advantage of to capture the attention of an ever-growing population on the Internet. Buying ad space on a website is inexpensive compared to television and radio that is a major advantage for McBride. Ad space on major Internet sites is a â€Å"double edge sword†for McBride’s marketing plan. The first is that people will see the ads every time a person opens his or hers favorite website. The second would be a direct link to McBride’s website allowing even more exsposer for the company’s services. This section of the paper will cover McBride’s target market. Entrepreneur. com defines a target market as a specific group of consumers at which a company aims its products and services (â€Å"Target Market†, 2011). The site continues to write that target customers are those most likely to buy from a company. McBride has a target market shown on the home page of their website and it consists of professionals purchasing primary or secondary properties, retirees purchasing primary or secondary properties and families or individuals purchasing recreational properties. It seems like every adult in the world would fit into McBride’s target market that is not a bad target market, but it may be a wise move to narrow it down. Sticking with retired and professionals purchasing property would allow McBride to maintain a manageable target market. If the target market is too big McBride would have to cater their marketing media budget to too broad a campaign. McBride’s target market is anybody who is looking to buy property whether it be primary or secondary. In conclusion this paper has described a marketing plan that can be implemented by McBride Financial Service. The marketing plan will include market research strategies such as Internet surveys and telephone interviews aimed at collecting information. The media will play a part in McBride’s market in the form of television, radio, and Internet ads. The considerations for McBride to conduct a portion of their marketing online were covered in this paper. Finally the target markets for McBride Financial Service were discussed at the end of this paper.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Argenti's 'A' score and Altman's 'Z' score models Essay
Argenti's 'A' score and Altman's 'Z' score models - Essay Example Simply speaking, a corporate failure may be defined as a situation when a company goes bankrupt and is thus forced to quit its business activities. Off course it is quiet obvious that any corporate concern goes out of business only if it fails on some fundamental parameters. Thus, corporate failure analysis constitutes and integral part of the contemporary business scenario. Hence the aim of any pragmatic corporate failure analysis is to identify the tell tale symptoms that are discernibly indicative of the fact that a company is heading towards annihilation. Such an analysis enables the management, administration, financial institutions and creditors to strive for and press on the need for introducing the apt countermeasures in advance so as to avert any possibility of a pending corporate failure. Till date, the concept of corporate failure analysis is predominated by two diverse approaches, one of which is purely quantitative whereas the other is thoroughly qualitative in its scope. If one holds that most of the corporate failures can be attributed to financial lapses, then it is certainly possible to avert any corporate failure by resorting to a timely and apt financial analysis. On the contrary there exists one other approach that believes that most of the corporate failures are caused by non-financial lapses and irregularities and financial irregularities in any company are a mere side effect of the discrepancies existing in the qualitative aspects of business. In the light of the given discussion, Altman’s ‘Z’ Score model is a noteworthy quantitative approach towards corporate failure analysis, whereas Argenti’s ‘A’ Score model definitely stands to be its consummate qualitative counterpart. Altman's Z-score model is an important performance management and company failure analysis tool. Also known as Altman's Bankruptcy Predictor, this model was given by Edward I. Altman in 1968, who worked as a professor of finance at the New York University (Calandro 2007, p.37). This model is primarily a statistical formula that can be exploited to predict corporate performance. The basic strategy behind this model is that it depends for its validity on a series of chosen financial ratios and each and every selected key ratio is assigned a weighting. The Z score derived through the incorporation of the key ratios in the mathematical formulas is used to predict whether a company is liable to fail or not. The Z score calculated through a detailed data analysis is eventually used to predict the sustainability of a company. In case this Z score surpasses a specific figure, the company being analyzed is considered to be safe. A Z score of above 3 is considered to be healthy and safe while a score lying around 1.8-3 is regarded as being precarious. Thus Altman's Z score model is to a great extent dependent on the data culled out from a company's published financial statements and its reliance on the qualitative aspects of business is almost negligible Advantages of Z score model are: This model is considered to be highly accurate. In more then 72% of the cases, it has been found to successfully predict corporate bankruptcy. It is easy to calculate. This model can be used to complement other analytical tools. This model enables the analysts to incorporate many financial characteristics within a single score. The Disadvantages of Z score model are: It focuses only on financial data. Z score does not help the management to understand the dynamics of the problems existing in the company. The results may turnout out to be inaccurate in case of a corruption of the financial data. It is not useful for predicting company failure in the current scenario as it is based on out of date assumptions and data (Grice 2001, p.57). Its results do not stand to be that accurate in case of
Monday, October 7, 2019
Personal statement for dental school Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Personal statement for dental school - Essay Example At the very early stage of my academic sessions, I studied in a dental school in Egypt MISR University for Science and Technology Medicine. At the early stage, prior to my visit to Saudi Arabia, I acquired fundamental knowledge about the dental problems along with their required care processes. During that period, I was fascinated with dentistry profession, as this profession involves number of effective care functions that have the potentiality in enabling the patients to gain quick relief from any pain or related problem. Indeed my initial exposure to select the dentistry profession as a prospective career path was shaped during the period of my one-year dental treatment course at the school. In relation to the recent trend of technological advancement, the treatment procedure for dental care has been witnessed to generate greater interests amid the modern medical professionals. Moreover, the dental care industry is identified to be incessantly growing, ensuring the formation of a strong career path for the modern students (American Dental Hygienists Association, â€Å"Career Paths†). These are certain reasons due to which I am quite fascinated towards this particular profession and desire to pursue my career in this field. Due to the higher level of commitment made towards making dentistry as my primary career path or profession, I decided to visit Palestine and enhance my knowledge on dental treatment by performing as a co-worker at my sister’s clinic. Moreover, increased extent of eagerness to learn real experiences have certainly made me to visit Palestine in the summer 2012. My sister provided extensive support by involving me to learn various new facets associated with dental ailments along with their respective care procedures. During the period of performing as a co-worker at my sister’s clinic, I used to learn the things that I have studied during my one-year course in the dental school. In this regard, improving career path and attaining personal
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Strategic Leadership in a Changing World Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 2
Strategic Leadership in a Changing World - Essay Example As the research stresses internal factors refer to the internally based resources the organization own for instance assets, skilled labor personnel and financial outlay that give it the organization efficiency in operation. Strategic position enables the management to implement appropriate strategy that guides the credibility of decisions made to steer the company or organization maximum business output. According to the report findings strategic position analysis should be the relationship between three crucial factors that the management considers in making strategic decisions for an organization. These are the external environment, resource base and competences and stakeholders influence and ethical and cultural values of the organization, however arguments have been put forward to link effective strategic position analysis to incline more to external environment factors more than the organization’s internal resources. External environment has been emphasized because it evaluates macro market influence and micro market influence; macro market influence factors are such as technological factors, economic, political and social factors and micro market influences are industry related factors for instance customers satisfaction, suppliers, barriers to entry and competition. To understand the importance of strategic positioning analysis to an organization, the several three key factors are important; external environment, internally based resources and competencies and stakeholders influence and ethical cultural values of the organization.
Saturday, October 5, 2019
MAOS CONTRIBUTION TO THE CHINESE REVOLUTION 1949-1976 - Essay Example Two wars were fought against the nationalist Chinese rivals and against the Japanese. Up to today, the relationship present between the army and the Chinese people has managed to remain complicated and closely entwined. The late 1960’s was the worst time in the Cultural Revolution. The leadership of the party over and army gave way to a military rule. This paper assesses Mao’s contribution to the Chinese revolution 1949-1976. Mao Zedong is counted among the most momentous political actors of the modern world history. He was an acknowledged leader of the world’s most popular revolution. He remained a dominant figure even in the post revolutionary regime for almost half a century. He presided over the beginning of the modern industry transformation of the most populous land in the world. He influenced the lives of many people through his virtues, power, personality, thought and policies (Lynch, 2002 p12). Mao’s father was a rich peasant; he was born in Hunan province in the village of Shaoshan on the 28th of December 1893. In his early years, there was the rapid disintegration of the old imperial Chinese order; revolutionary movements and radical, reformist movements were on the rise. Ideologies and ideas that were being introduced were undermining the faith that Chinese people had on their beliefs and traditional values. As a young man, Mao studied deeply classical Chinese texts. However, he also became caught up in the iconoclastic intellectual and radical political currents that were sweeping the Chinese cities in the years that preceded and followed the revolution of the year 1911 in which the imperial system was overthrown. He was a student at the normal and middle schools in the capital province of Changsha in the years from 1913 to the year 1918. He eagerly assimilated a broad range of ideas from the west; he briefly pursued a career as a teacher before embarking on his lifelong career as a political organizer (Dittmer, 1996 p23). He established the â€Å" new people’s study society†, which was one of the most important groups found locally, these groups proved to be so ideologically and politically instrumental in the making of â€Å"May fourth†radical movement of the year 1919. While, in Changsha, Mao became involved with a magazine called the â€Å"new youth†. This magazine was very critical in molding of ideas of a whole generation of the modern Chinese intellectual and political leaders. Mao became deeply involved in this magazine to the extent that he first published an article, which appeared in the year 1917 (Spence, 1999 p90). Late in the year 1918, he left Changsha for Beijing. University in Beijing had become the center for radical Chinese political and intellectual life. Mao became extremely politicized following the influence of the radical intellectuals and the group of activist student followers. He was n ot able to enroll as a regular student; he found work as an assistant librarian at the university and was introduced to Marxist theory during the winter of the years 1918-1919. He later became a member of the loosely organized Marxist group. However, he did not immediately convert to Marxism. He returned to Changsha in the summer of 1919 this was under the influence of radical and fierce nationalistic currents that were rising in china. He began to gain interest in the political messages of the Russian
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