Thursday, December 26, 2019
Attempted Suicide - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 843 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/07/01 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Suicide Essay Did you like this example? Suicide is responsible for numerous deaths all over the world sparking arguments in weather action should be taken against people attempting to commit suicide. While sometimes he reasons for attempting suicide can be understood, there is not enough justification for the actions. Sucide attempts should be illegal, and people who survive such incidences should have actions taken against them l. The continued failure to develop a policy against such cases leads to the influx of such cases. In the event suicide is deemed illegal, many people may be discouraged from taking actions towards that direction. First, human life has to be protected at all cost. Even though people are trying to take their own lives, it does not mean that they should have the liberty to commit suicide. This menance should further be categorized under the procession of murder and should be treated as such in the prosecution of the cultprit. While it is not possible to charge people under the law for commuting suicide, it is possible to hold those that survive such attempts. Prosecuting people who attempt suicide would be considerable step towards discouraging further efforts in the future. Additionally, people have varied reasons for trying to take their lives (Cluveretal.53). In his regard, it is possible to discourage people from the vice and encourage them to find different solutions to their problems rather than causing themselves harm. The causation of such intentional damage to an individual is wrong in many cultures around the world as well as religious beliefs. The support against such practices by alm ost all religious and cultural groups in the world warrants the determination of its originality hence supporting the prosecution of survivors. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Attempted Suicide" essay for you Create order Secondly, attempting suicide has grave implications not only to the person but also to the people around them. The injuries caused by various kinds of attempts impact the lives of the person through physical, mental and emotional damage that may be difficult to heal. Thus, the individual had diminished the capacity to be a productive member of the community. Their quality of life from then on is reduced substantially. In addition, the damage caused could lead to further negative implications on the friends and families (Mars et al.5). The repercussions could range from emotional harm, increased anxiety, and additional financial constraints that may arise in the form of hospital bills for the individual success, the people close to them are significantly impacted by the loss of the loved one and even cause trauma l. Attempts of suicide should there for be discouraged through all possible means. Thirdly, people often attempt to kill theme selves for reasons that may be personal and can find alternative solutions. Usually, mental health issues that the person are not able to address or diagnosed propel the attempts. Such matters may include clinical depression (Auetal.581). People get depressed for various reasons such as loss of a loved one, financial problems, emotional issues and trauma. Most of these are mental health issues that can be addressed, and viable solutions can be developed. With proper help, the individual may find a solution to their temporary problem. In this regard, the suicide attempts may be pronounced as illegal as a measure of encouraging mental health treatments. Mental health problems may be mitigated, reduced, managed and sometimes wholly cured. The most significant issue in this regard is the preference for permanent solutions to temporary problems. However, there are issues regarding the determination of the attempts as illegal. For a reason someth ing should be discouraged it does not translate that it should be deemed illegal. However, it could be argued that people do not know what happens after death; therefore prohibiting suicide it would be limiting the theological beliefs of some people. Many religious have varied beliefs on the successions or migration into another world. The individual willing to undertake such an action with the aim of reaching the next phase of their beloved perception of death would inhibit their right to religion which is universal (Douglas l, 30). In this respect, it is not morally right to rob the individual of their right to hold on to such a theological belief also l, others could add to the claim the forcing people to wait until that had a natural death to gain the next level of life according to their belief is dehumanizing to a certain degree. This claims however rational is not feasible while people should not be robbed and confined within specific para meters of law infringing in their religious beliefs People should be discourage from those kinds of beliefs that they proclaim to have. I believe that causes one to Harm themselves is not a reasonable belief. Such actions should be strongly advise against the individuals should not be forced rather strongly recommended and guided towards a better life in addition discouraging such beliefs ensures that future generations do not inherit such ideas that are detrimental to them. the argument against attempted suicide are considerable with limited arguments that could convince of its appropriateness or the right to commit such an action.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Correlation Between Non Suicidal Self Injury And Suicide...
Correlation Between Non-suicidal Self-injury and Suicide Achievement in Adolescents Diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder Abstract: The purpose of this research is to identify the relationship between teenagers with Borderline Personality Disorder who engage in non-suicidal self-injury, and teenagers with Borderline Personality Disorder who achieve suicide. The method this project will use is a simple questionnaire that asks patients four questions about their suicidal tendencies upon arrival at the doctor’s office. Through this research, doctors and psychiatrists will learn how to map trends of patients with BPD and their suicidal tendencies. They will gain knowledge on a very new disorder and will help future patients with†¦show more content†¦From the data, I hope to draw the conclusion that Borderline Personality Disorder patients that engage in self-harm are not attempting suicide, they are simply looking for control in their life. Background: Overall, Borderline Personality Disorder is a relatively new diagnoses that was earlier entwined with Bipolar Disorder. Now, doctors believe that Borderline is its own disorder and does not need to be diagnosed alongside Bipolar. This was decided in the DSM fourth edition revised. This disorder affects about 2% of the population and of those 2%, 75% are women (Gale Encyclopedia Mental Disorders). This disorder does not discriminate against race, but is known as a teenage onset disorder, meaning symptoms start in early adult-hood. Borderline Personality Disorder goes hand in hand with mood disorders such as depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder and attention deficit disorder. In addition to the depression and anxiety that these patients suffer from, a symptom of Borderline Personality Disorder is self-injury. Self-injury includes cutting People diagnosed with Borderline usually have undergone many stress triggers such as sexual abuse, domestic abuse, and drug abuse that acted as environmental factors to induce the disorder. The disorder is new, therefore doctors do not know how to correctly diagnose and treat it; many patients are misdiagnosed before the doctor differentiates the behavior and changes the diagnoses from Bipolar
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Interior Design free essay sample
Tehran, Iran I am a first year student in Degree program of Design. I moved to Finland 9 years ago and before that I lived in Turkey for 5 years. Living in Turkey and in a poor city thought me lots of thing about trust and human relationships. Through the years I have met with different kind of people with different backstrokes and living situations. I used to trust everyone because I was very young and I had no experiences in so called fake people or two-faced people.As a human being I also shared my problems tit so called friends and in the end found out that they have shared my life with other people or used all the information they knew against me in the weak moments of my life. I have met liars, cheaters and back stabbing human natures, which are only some selfish people. They do what they do only to survive in this world. We will write a custom essay sample on Interior Design or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This has led me to trust no one and absolutely no one, because some people are capable of doing anything only to hurt you and get what they need. We had a Turkish neighbor, a woman living with her mother-in-law and her one year old son in a 2 room house, who was such a nice lady.We met her only for a few days and she invited us to her house for tea and some snacks. One day she saw my mother and give her her golden ring and told my mother please take this to my mother-in-law and my mother did so, after this we found out that she Just wanted to know If she can trust us or not. First It was odd but then it felt quite nice to us that we are trusty. I have big Issues on trust and I trust no one so far and all I know Is that trust Is earned and we earn It very very hard. Right now In my life there are only few people who are truly trust and respect and I hope I never lose their trust.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Perang Dunia I Essays - , Term Papers, Research Papers
Perang Dunia I Penyebab Perang Dunia I, yang dimulai di Eropa Tengah pada akhir Juli 1914, termasuk faktor saling terkait, seperti konflik dan permusuhan dari empat dekade menjelang perang. Militerisme, aliansi, imperialisme, dan nasionalisme juga memainkan peran utama dalam konflik ini. Meskipun begitu, asal-usul langsung dari perang terletak pada keputusan yang diambil oleh para negarawan dan jenderal selama Krisis 1914, casus belli yang merupakan pembunuhan Archduke Franz Ferdinand dari Austria dan istrinya oleh Gavrilo Princip, seorang Serbia. Krisis itu terjadi setelah serangkaian pertikaian diplomatik yang panjang dan sulit antara negara-negara besar (Italia, Prancis, Jerman, Kerajaan Inggris, Kekaisaran Austria-Hongaria dan Rusia) atas isu-isu Eropa dan kolonial di dekade sebelum 1914 yang telah meninggalkan ketegangan tinggi. Pada gilirannya, bentrokan diplomatik ini dapat ditelusuri dengan perubahan keseimbangan kekuatan di Eropa sejak tahun 1867. Penyebab lebih cepat untuk perang adalah ketegangan atas wilayah di Balkan. Austria-Hungaria bersaing dengan Serbia dan Rusia untuk wilayah dan pengaruh di wilayah ini dan mereka menarik seluruh negara-negara besar ke dalam konflik melalui berbagai aliansi dan perjanjian. Topik penyebab Perang Dunia I adalah salah satu yang paling banyak dipelajari dalam sejarah dunia. Para ahli telah menafsirkan topik tersebut secara berbeda. Latar belakang Pada bulan November 1912, karena Rusia dipermalukan oleh ketidakmampuannya untuk mendukung Serbia selama krisis Bosnia pada 1908 dan Perang Balkan I, negara itu mengumumkan rekonstruksi militernya secara besar-besaran. Pada tanggal 28 November, Menteri Luar Negeri Jerman, Gottlieb von Jagow mengatakan kepada Reichstag (parlemen Jerman), bahwa "Jika Austria dipaksa, untuk alasan apa pun, untuk memperjuangkan posisinya sebagai negara adidaya, maka kita harus mendampinginya."[3] Akibatnya, Menteri Luar Negeri Inggris Sir Edward Grey menanggapi dengan memperingati Pangeran Karl Lichnowsky, Duta Besar Jerman di London, bahwa jika Jerman menawarkan Austria "cek kosong" untuk perang di Balkan, maka "konsekuensi dari kebijakan tersebut tak akan bisa dihitung." Untuk mempertegas peringatan ini, R.B. Haldane, Lord Chancellor, bertemu dengan Pangeran Lichnowsky untuk memberi peringatan eksplisit bahwa jika Jerman yang menyerang Perancis, Inggris akan mengintervensi untuk mendukung Perancis.[3] Dengan rekonstruksi militer Rusia dan komunikasi eksplisit dari Inggris, kemungkinan perang merupakan topik utama di Dewan Perang Kerajaan Jerman tanggal 8 Desember 1912 di Berlin, pertemuan informal dari beberapa pucuk pimpinan militer Jerman yang dipanggil dalam waktu singkat oleh Kaiser. Yang menghadiri konferensi itu antara lain Kaiser Wilhelm II, Laksamana Alfred von Tirpitz, Sekretaris Angkatan Laut, Laksamana Georg Alexander von Mller, Ketua Kabinet Angkatan Laut Kekaisaran Jerman (Marinekabinett), Jenderal von Moltke, Kepala Staf Angkatan Darat , Laksamana August von Heeringen, Kepala Staf Umum Angkatan Laut dan Jenderal Moriz von Lyncker, Kepala Kabinet Militer Kerajaan Jerman. Kehadiran para pemimpin dari Angkatan Darat dan Angkatan Laut Jerman di Dewan Perang membuktikan pentingnya pertemuan ini. Namun, Kanselir Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg dan Jenderal Josias von Heeringen, Menteri Urusan Perang Prusia, tidak diundang. Wilhelm II menyebut prinsip penyeimbangan kekuasaan Inggris sebagai sebuah "kebodohan," tapi setuju bahwa pernyataan Haldane adalah sebuah "klarifikasi yang diinginkan" dari kebijakan Inggris. Pendapatnya adalah bahwa Austria harus menyerang Serbia pada bulan Desember, dan jika "Rusia mendukung Serbia, yang ia jelas tidak ... maka perang akan dihindari untuk kita juga," dan itu akan lebih baik daripada pergi berperang setelah Rusia menyelesaikan modernisasi besar-besaran dan ekspansi militer mereka, yang baru saja dimulai. Moltke setuju. Dalam pendapat profesional militer "adalah perang dapat dihindari dan lebih cepat lebih baik". Moltke "ingin melancarkan serangan langsung". Baik Wilhelm II maupun pimpinan Angkatan Darat setuju bahwa jika perang diperlukan, perang itu lebih baik dilancarkan segera. Laksamana Tirpitz, bagaimanapun, meminta "penundaan pertempuran besar untuk satu setengah tahun" karena Angkatan Laut Jerman tidak siap untuk perang besar, dimana Inggris termasuk sebagai lawan. Dia bersikeras bahwa penyelesaian pembangunan dasar U-boat di Heligoland dan pelebaran Terusan Kiel adalah prasyarat Angkatan Laut untuk perang. Sejarawan Inggris, John Rhl mencat, tanggal untuk penyelesaian pelebaran Terusan Kiel adalah musim panas 1914. Meskipun Moltke keberatan dengan penundaan perang, Wilhelm memihak Tirpitz. Moltke "setuju untuk penundaan dengan enggan." Sejarawan lebih bersimpati kepada pemerintah Wilhelm II, sering menolak pentingnya Dewan Perang karena hanya menunjukkan pemikiran dan rekomendasi dari mereka yang hadir, tanpa keputusan yang diambil. Mereka sering mengutip bagian dari buku harian Laksamana Mller, yang menyatakan: "Itu adalah akhir dari konferensi Hasilnya tak ada.." Tentu saja keputusan yang diambil adalah tak melakukan apa-apa. Sejarawan lebih simpatik terhadap Entente, seperti sejarawan Inggris, John Rohl, kadang-kadang agak ambisius menafsirkan kata-kata Laksamana Mller yang mengatakan bahwa "tidak ada" diputuskan untuk 1912-1913,
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