Thursday, August 27, 2020
Religion and the Meaning of Life Essay
As indicated by Frederich Nietzche, â€Å"A man who has a for what reason to live can hold up under any how†. To me this announcement gives gigantic understanding into the human experience: all individuals need a reason throughout everyday life. As people we need a valuable outlet through which we can contribute our considerations, feelings, endeavors and energies. We need something to flourish for and endeavor toward. Religion, for some, individuals gives this outlet in life in a best way. It permits individuals to end up by losing themselves chief. Religion urges administration to other people, magnanimity, absolution and plain qualities that permit individuals to dislodge individual preferences and mental boundaries that are barricades on the way toward mindfulness and comprehension. Religion encourages that people are immediate manifestations of God. Because of this, the strict individual spots enormous gravity into the meaning of being human. To the strict individual human life is holy consequently all people are treated as though they are holy substances. Respect is fundamental to this experience and the strict individual carries on with a nice life dependent on the way that they think that its a grave unfairness to take part in dehumanizing acts. A dehumanizing demonstration is any activity that sabotages the estimation of being human, and on the grounds that human life to the strict individual is hallowed; rewarding others and oneself with deference is a piece of the expected set of responsibilities. Strict individuals additionally are vigorously centered around staying faithful to customs and spot substantial accentuation on the idea of fellowship through services, ceremonies and even festivals. Strict individuals gather and meet up in a discussion of shared comprehension of one another’s convictions and qualities, and regard for the attributes that make people remarkable. This is the way strict organizations have made due all through the ages. Individuals of various types meet up dependent on a shared comprehension of similar certainties. Coming together structures a family-like environment that reinforces elements inside individual families and fortifies relational bonds among all individuals whom the strict individual experiences. The strict individual carries on with an existence of benevolence, effortlessness and respect featured by solidarity, dedication and decency. These ideas are essential to turning into an all around incorporated individual which is the key segment to finding one’s reason and significance throughout everyday life. When an individual increases a feeling of direction, different parts of their lives become all-good based around what that individual decides to life for. At the point when an individual lives for their confidence, their lives are based around ethics that energize veneration for every person and a certifiable insightful of honesty. This is the reason strict individuals have a solid feeling of self, yet in addition have relentless character situated in a strong warmth for humanity.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Corruption of Ambition free essay sample
The Corruption of Ambition The craving for a type of vivacious accomplishment: the yearning for influence, riches, respect, and distinction push numerous individuals to carry out incredible things yet can encourage others to do deadly acts. The individuals who endeavor to do the unfathomable just to fulfill their desire regularly make crushing fiascos. William Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Julius Caesar represents how desire urges individuals to carry out monstrous things. The aspiration Caesar conveys lead the backstabbers to address whether he is a flat out ruler; they dread that Caesar can possibly turn into a dictator, so they plot to topple him.During the Lepercal merriments a seer came to Caesar saying, â€Å"‘Beware the ides of March,’ [Caesar answers to all] ‘He is a visionary, let us leave him. Pass’†(829). Caesar’s aspiration to turn into the most influential man he can be prompts him figuring nothing can transpire in view of his high status; making him oblivious. We will compose a custom paper test on The Corruption of Ambition or on the other hand any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Disregarding this admonition is a case of how his aspiration causes obliviousness; his numbness prompts his demise. Later on, when Caesar sees Cassius, he says to Mark Anthony, â€Å"‘Let me have men about me that are fat, smooth headed men and, for example, rest an evenings. Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look; He thinks excessively; such men are dangerous’†(835). Caesar inclines toward sluggardly, sound men that don't thoroughly consider a lot of the individuals who are lean, hungry men that think excessively; at the end of the day Caesar favors stupid men over shrewd men Saying that lean individuals who think a lot of are risky men is a case of how Caesar’s aspiration can be oppressive. After Caesar was offered the crown, Brutus asks Casca â€Å"‘Was the crown offered him threefold? ’ [Casca replies] ‘Ay, wed, was’t, and he put it by threefold, every time gentler than the other; and at each putting by mine genuine neighbors shouted’†(836).This could be deciphered just like a demonstration of modesty. In any case, in all actuality Caesar’s pernicious aspiration keeps on being exhibited every single time he contemplates whether to put the crown down. In the event that Caesar would h ave been offered the crown again definitely he would have acknowledged; this would have brought about a despot ruler. Aspiration is the essential spurring factor for the backstabbers to ascend and plot Caesar’s murder. Brutus has incredible desire to do what he accepts is only for the individuals of Rome; acknowledging Caesar can be a potential danger to this equity, Brutus joined the schemers in their plot to slaughter Caesar.Alone, Brutus discloses to himself why Caesar must bite the dust: â€Å"‘It must be by his demise; and as far as it matters for me I realize no close to home reason to scorn at him, yet for the general good’†(Act 2 Scene 1 Lines 10-12). Brutus will do what he accepts is directly for the individuals; in any event, executing Caesar. The passing of Caesar will stop a potential despot and a conclusion to any conceivable risk to the individuals. After Caesar’s murder, Brutus tells the individuals that the explanation that he rose against Caesar was, â€Å"‘Not that I cherished Caesar less, yet that I adored Rome more’â€Å"(Act 3 Scene 2 Line 22).This epitomizes how Brutus’ aspiration makes him a dishonest man by selling out Caesar . His extraordinary love for the individuals makes desire in Brutus; encouraging himself to do anything to benefit the individuals of Rome. Proceeding with his discourse, Brutus says, â€Å"‘As Caesar adored me, I sob for him; as he was lucky, I celebrate at it; as he was valiant, I respect him; yet, as he was aggressive, I slew him. ’†(Act 3 Scene 2 lines 23-25) Brutus kills Caesar since he is aspiring while never acknowledging he himself is eager. He bites the dust accepting he made the wisest decision for the people.Although Brutus slaughtered Caesar to benefit the everyday citizens, Cassius killed him as a result of his contempt and envy toward Caesar. The scorn and envy Cassius has for Caesar develops into aspiration for his demise. After a discussion with Brutus, Cassius discloses to himself how he will convince Brutus to turn out to be a piece of the Conspirators, â€Å"‘I will this night, In a few hands, in at his window toss, As in the event that they originated from a few residents, Writings, all watching out for the extraordinary supposition That Rome holds of his name; wherein indi stinctly Caesar’s aspiration will be looked at’†(Act 1 Scene 2 lines 11-16).By convincing Brutus to turn out to be a piece of the backstabbers, Cassius would have an entirely good man supporting them. The individuals of Rome would see that Brutus is on the conspirator’s side and they additionally would be supportive of Caesar’s passing. Talking on the foul play of what is Caesar, Cassius tells Brutus, â€Å"‘Why, man, he doth straddle the tight world Like a Colossus, and we unimportant men Walk under his immense legs and peep going To get ourselves disgraceful graves’†(833). The envy that has Cassius embodies his aspiration to be equivalent to Caesar.The desire inside Cassius drives him to open to Brutus the wicked side of Caesar; Cassius does this since he needs Brutus to join the schemers in their plot to slaughter Caesar. Cassius proceeds with a discourse he expectations will push Brutus in the trick: â€Å"‘Men sooner or later are bosses of their destinies. The shortcoming, dear Brutus, isn't in our stars But in ourselves, that we are underlings’†(833). Brutus was at last influenced into seeking after the homicide of Caes ar; it was all in the evident name of equity. Nonetheless, reality once more, lay in the abhorrent and self serving aspiration exemplified all through Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Julius Caesar. Genuinely the numerous monstrous deeds showed in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar are brought about by the defilement of aspiration. As aspiration develops, the sincere want for an accomplishment, respect, riches, and influence turns into a profoundly propelling variable in oneself. As Rebecca Miller once said â€Å"Ambition can be a malady, and it benefits from itself. â€
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Incredible Power of Believing in Yourself
The Incredible Power of Believing in Yourself Nowadays in a world of mistrust, betrayal, and grievances, self-belief plays a vital role in any persons life.With huge expectations and trust given to other people, we sometimes rely on the wrong ones and tend to feel guilty for such mistakes.Fear of being betrayed by those we chose to believe often forces us to rely only on our own hard work, abilities, and potentials.For achieving success at anything in life, we should focus more on ourselves and develop the strongest self-belief.Only this can empower the highest level of performance and productivity to help us reach our life goals.When the belief is strong, we can perform better and smarter.This applies to every aspect of life (business, education, athletics, relationships, and personal growth).What we believe will either limit or empower us.Self-confidence is considered the best way you feel about your skills, behavior or appearance.Those with high confidence and self-belief levels not only solve problems quickly but also believ e that they can complete any assignment to a good standard.Self-confidence means having a lot of faith in yourself and knowing how to use it to reach your goals and dreams. On the other hand, it can represent the way people project themselves to others.And what many people don’t understand is the fact that they don’t have to feel too confident in their appearance in order to look confident to others.Every person has his own fears to deal with â€" some of them are just hiding it better in need of showing good self-esteem and presenting the more beautiful image of themselves.By seeming more confident to others, their self-image improves.This protection method gives people a good feel of comfort and safety even out of their comfort zone.LACK OF CONFIDENCE“The man who thinks he can and the man who thinks he can’t are both right†Confucious.The world were living in has an epidemic of low self-esteem and a lack of self-belief.We are all familiar with its effects on how we think about ourselves and the way we approach and react to difficult situations.At some point in our lives, we allow negative feedbacks and feelings to undermine our confidence and negatively affect our performance or success.Lack of self-belief and confidence often has many negative consequences, leading to very unpleasant feelings and thoughts. We feel uneasy and shy, sometimes uncertain of what we want or who we are. There’s a sense of worthlessness and inability to enjoy and relax in many situations, as we’re losing a sense of direction in life.Limiting beliefs change our outlook, so everything seems different or unpleasant. Feeling of not being smart or good enough triggers a need for validation in any aspect of life.Of course, there will always be something to confirm such negative disposition.We lose the ability to open up to express our opinion, thoughts, wishes or feelings, starting to feel distant and out of this world. We remain silent when we shouldnt, letting others chos e our path or determine if were good enough or not.A lack of confidence also leads to mistakes and failures in one’s career.This keeps people in their comfort zones with little risks because there is no more feeling of safety and privacy out of it.They become inflexible when it comes to new opportunities and positions.There is no place for progress and improvement.Its a huge risk for a persons motivation and it kills self-esteem over time. It also becomes difficult to communicate assertively, leading to the minimized effect of what youre trying to say.The discomfort during the speech makes you talk too much when its not necessary, so others have no time to think of the key point of your idea.This will not convince people that your idea is worth considering since you sound unprofessional. You can be seen as a weak player.Moving on to health issues â€" low self-esteem often leads to mental health problems such as depression or anxiety. Negative opinions about yourself will have bad effects on your relationships, leading to a feeling of loneliness and abandonment.Not only you are not able to show up as the best version of yourself, but you don’t know what the best self looks like as well.Maybe you tolerate toxic relationships too long, not standing up for yourself when it’s needed.But what causes low self-esteem?We know there are numerous factors, including peer dependence, physical and stage presence, social and status confidence, etc. In some cases, we tend to back up to our comfort zone, feeling disrupted for showing a small lack of confidence or courage.According to clinical psychologist Dr. Lars Madsen, its frequently coming from abusive and dysfunctional early years, which effects can persist even in adulthood.On-going stressful life events can also be the cause, and the most often ones are relationship breakdowns, financial issues, being bullied and similar.Heres a list of the most important consequences of low self-esteem, confidence, and belief, al l summed up:Negative feelings such as constant self-criticism, sadness, anger, shame, guilt and many more.Relationship problems like tolerating all sorts of irrational behavior from a partner, or even being the one who bully or disturb the partner.Fear of trying, which means that people may doubt their worth or avoid challenges and problems.Becoming perfectionist by pushing themselves to their limits and becoming an over-achiever.Avoiding activities that involve other people (this includes all sorts of events), in order to be free of judgment and criticism, because they are afraid they could be negatively judged. These people are always stressed around others and never feel comfortable enough.The belief of being hopeless.Decreased self-care and neglecting themselves (for example, by drinking too much alcohol).Self-harming by eating disorder or in worst case suicide.It is good to know that a lack of confidence isnt necessarily related to ones lack of ability.Moreover, low self-esteem is often a result of focusing way too much on some unrealistic expectations or others standards.Friends social power in shaping our thoughts and feelings about ourselves is sometimes too strong to resist.WHY IS STRONG SELF-ESTEEM IMPORTANT“If you believe it, the mind can achieve it†â€" Ronnie Lott.By being full of self-belief and confidence we provide ourselves with greater enjoyment of life in general, becoming comfortable within new situations and people.Facing challenges is then easier and we are getting excited about opportunities like never before.A great sense of achievement appears, leading to our goals faster and easier. We feel respected by other people and can handle well many social situations by ourselves.Believing in ourselves helps us feel sure of what we want and who we are anytime.In fact, since our self-image is usually made of self-confidence and self-esteem, it gets better when we improve these two factors.Self-image encompasses the impressions and opinions you have of yourself such as appearance, skills, abilities, success, career, intelligence and many more.Confidence is a key factor in most aspects of life, and that includes our work too.From those who just started out to those who are running big companies, for every one of their confidence is crucial for career success.Strong sense of self-belief enables us to be proactive, assertive and focused at the workplace.This will also positively affect your communication with co-workers and help you sound professional as you are.Here are some useful tips on how to build confidence at work.The positive impact that strong self-esteem brings will make you open up for far more life opportunities than ever, leaving you with numerous choices that will determine your future success. The benefits are countless.As a matter of fact, in order to start making those changes you strive for, you must truly believe in yourself. Youre more likely to accomplish something with a positive mental attitude.You ll start making progress once you understand the power of body and mind working in harmony.The advantage of confidence improvement techniques based on positive thoughts is incredible â€" you dont need to know the result of an action; you simply must believe that you can and your body will follow along.It takes a lot of practice achieving such a connection but the outcome is worth it.PRACTICE BELIEVING IN YOURSELFYou should understand that nobody is born with limitless confidence.They all worked hard on building it for years because no skill gets built overnight.It will take you some time to achieve stronger self-esteem from positive thinking, comfortable relationships and plenty of practice of course. Source: The Dunning-Kruger EffectThe challenging world of business and life in general sometimes makes us struggle to obtain these amazing traits.This is why we offer you a useful guide on how to build your self-esteem and strengthen belief in yourself.Remove Negativity from Your MindPeople often tend to behave according to their own self-image, so having a negative image of themselves will lead to decreased confidence and self-respect. The only way to fix the problem is to change how we see ourselves.As we pay attention to the negative thoughts, we should work on turning them around to positive ones.Affirming ourselves is the best way to achieve this.Affirmations are positive uplifting statements we can say to ourselves to feel better in any aspect.They are even more effective if said out loud so that we can ourselves saying it and feel the meaning.If there is anything from our appearance, behavior or personality we dont like, we must find a little part of it that we respect or eve n like, and compliment it.Our brains accept these positive statements and turn them into a positive image of ourselves.It is also confirmed that questions about the things were good at are more effective than just statements. So, for example, instead of just saying Im a good teacher, ask yourself why am I such a good teacher? When you have to explain to yourself your positive sides, youre increasing your self-image instantly.Maintain a Positive Support NetworkIf negative feelings toward yourself still keep coming, stop doubting your abilities and evaluate your inner circle of family and friends.Check if negativity is coming from another source.If some of those closest to you are causing your lack of confidence and self-respect, you may want to step back from such relationships. It doesn’t have to be permanent â€" just a short break will make a positive step towards building stronger confidence.On the other hand, connect more with those who make you happy and don’t make yourself question your own abilities or value.Take some time to think of all the people you know and help you have positive feelings about yourself.Make a goal to spend more time with supportive and positive friends rather than those who constantly criticize you.Don’t Let Failure Beat YouSometimes we all go back to go forward because the road to success is mostly hard and tough.Dont give up on every step you made a mistake and accept the failure.There is a solution for nearly everything, so what makes you think your problem is unsolvable?Failures are one of the reasons why we stop respecting ourselves.In those cases, we forget all the things we did well and mainly focus on what went wrong.This is when our confidence decreases.But while you focus on your mistake, think of what could have been done to prevent it.Find a lesson if possible and save it for the next time.Never let one wrong turn make you think youll never have what it takes to achieve your goals and dreams.Change the Body Langua geHow you react to different situations, your behavior and body language usually illustrate how much confidence and belief you have in yourself. You can build your confidence by simply changing body language and movements.If you look more confident to others, youll feel more confident yourself.Start with the right posture, good eye contact, and smile of course.Smile in combination with shoulders high and back reflects confidence.Everyone feels more comfortable around those who are smiling others feeling more pleasant around you is a great confidence booster for you. Accept Compliments GracefullyPeople with very low self-esteem get it difficult to take compliments.They are not satisfied with their appearance, so they assume that the person complimenting them must be lying just to be nice.If you find yourself responding to compliments with sarcasm or by rolling your eyes, then you need to work more on confidence-boosting.But if you cant find anything valuable on yourself, think of th e parts others were complimenting.Honest or not, take the compliment to your heart and respond positively.You’ll both feel more comfortable if you let that person know how much you appreciate it. Smiling and saying “thank you†works fine so far.Help SomeoneHelping others in need enables people to forget about themselves and their issues, just by knowing that they dont have a certain problem another person is dealing with. They feel more grateful for what they have or the problems they dont.Also, it’s good to know that you made a difference in someone’s life.The feeling of someone needing your help is an instant confidence booster. Instead of focusing on your weaknesses, try to help, volunteer, mentor or teach others and you’ll see your self-esteem growing in the process.Do Things That Scare You “If you are insecure, guess what? The rest of the world is too. Do not overestimate the competition and underestimate yourself. You are better than you think.†T. Harv Eker .If you think that people who are self-confident are never scared, youre totally wrong. We all have fears.Only for some people, they do not represent limits of their abilities or success, but challenges to become a better self in the future.The best and only way to overcome fear is not running away from it but facing it head-on.It doesnt matter if youre afraid of public speeches, introducing to new people or asking the boss for a raise, this works for all of them.Do something that scares you every day to gain confidence from those experiences.It can seem unpleasant or embarrassing at first, but as soon as it’s over the feel of relief and pride will boost your belief in yourself. Get out of your comfort zone and confront what you fear!Identify Your Talents and SkillsEvery person is good at something.Sooner or later we all find that one thing we’re better at than the others, but it takes some time to look for it.Think of all your interests, and if you dont have any, try new things to find what you like. Discover your talents and skills and focus on them more than the rest.You should give yourself permission to take pride in your talents and express yourself through them.What you enjoy and youre good at will certainly help you increase your respect for your abilities.Through your talents, youll feel unique and accomplished because youre following your passion for the things you enjoy.And not only that youll become more confident, but there are chances youll meet compatible people with similar interests, who will have a positive impact on your self-esteem.On the other hand, skills and talents are not the only things you should be proud of.Think of all aspects that make your personality great. It could be your empathy, sense of humor, listening skills, ability to work under pressure and many more.You might think there is nothing valuable about personality, but we assure you that there must be something worth admiring, even if others never get a chance to see it .Dig deep and find some admirable qualities you’ll be proud of. Writing them down should help focus on them better.Make a List of the Things You’re Proud ofIf you’re feeling overwhelmed sometimes having it difficult to keep up the self-belief, try writing down everything you’re proud of in your life.It can be a list of the things you are grateful for, or a list of accomplishments, no matter how small they are.When completed, pin the lists up somewhere close to you, where you’ll be able to see them regularly.They will remind you of how successful you already are.Don’t Compare Yourself to OthersIn order to build your self-esteem, you have to focus on improving your life for the better, not on making it more like your friends or like those of the celebrities appearing on television.Its your life were talking about, not others.What you must know is that there will always be someone prettier, smarter or richer than you, but also someone less intelligent or attractive or wealt hy than you are. It is time to accept that and move on.You can’t be anyone else but you.Other peoples lives are irrelevant for your confidence building; what is relevant is caring for reaching your own goals and dreams.Dont be convinced that everyone else has better chances of achieving them than you do.At the end of the day, the only thing that will matter is if youre happy with yourself and what you achieved. Additionally, studies have found that spending too much time on social media can encourage people to compare themselves with other users.They tend to think that everyone is better than them, but the real truth is that we only post our triumphs instead of the realities of daily life.This doesn’t mean everyone else enjoys life more than you do.We all have ups and downs, some of us are just hiding them better while others are exposing them.TEST YOURSELFHow self-confident are you really?This 5-minute quiz is made to help you determine if youre having trouble with a lack of co nfidence and insecurity.Answer honestly with only YES or NO, count the answers and find your results down below.Question 1: Do you handle new situations with comfort and ease?Question 2: Are you able to go against popular opinion if you dont like it?Question 3: Do you make big decisions by yourself?Question 4: Are you comfortable with other people’s achievements?Question 5: Do you appreciate all your positive sides?Question 6: Is failure an opportunity for growth and improvement?Question 7: Do you achieve the goals you set for yourself?Question 8: Do you feel comfortable giving a speech in front of the camera or a huge audience?Question 9: Can you tell your boss you disagree with him?Question 10: Are you OK with being criticized and judged?The results:0-3 questions answered with NO:Strong self-esteem helps you roll over all challenges in life with ease. Youre not easily hurt by negative judgments and wont get crushed by others opinions. You believe that every goal set can be achie ved as long as you keep working on it.Nothing can stop you from getting what you want. But be careful with your courage â€" before making a serious life-changing decision, make sure it’s a good one.4-7 questions answered with NO:You have a lot of confidence and courage as long as you stay in your comfort zone. Once you reach out, they get lost and you forget why youve even started. Work less on planning your goals; work more on making them closer.Even if youre only taking baby steps, its better than just thinking of doing it. Remember that you have all the power you need, just learn how to use it. Work more on your social skills to upgrade your confidence and form a nicer picture of yourself.8-10 questions answered with NO:There are certainly a lot of things out there you regret youve missed by keeping yourself safe and secure, hidden from the scary, hurting world around you.Your lack of confidence, self-belief, and courage causes you a lot of stress and panic when youre forced to make a decision, go against the majority or just approach your future goals.Stop living the life you dont feel comfortable in and take some small steps to make it better. Learn what youve been doing wrong and do something to change these habits.There is an infinite number of decisions, meaning that youre always just one step away from a totally different life. With every new day, you get a new chance to turn things in a different direction.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Effective Communication in the Workplace Essay - 1300 Words
Effective Communication in the Workplace The workplace is an environment where more and more Americans are spending significant portions of their time. In fact, 25 million workers reported spending at least 49 hours a week at work, (Schabner, 2013). This means that having effective communication in the workplace is becoming increasingly important. Not just to improve business practices, but to improve the quality of both employer AND employee satisfaction. Effective interpersonal communication is the most important aspect in determining the success of workplace practices. Effective interpersonal communication includes practices such as honesty, clarity, and mutual respect. Honesty is absolutely necessary in order to foster healthy and†¦show more content†¦If everybody in the workplace communicated in jargon, the new hire would have a difficult time following instructions. This would cause confusion, resentment, and harm workplace practices. Most importantly, it would put a v ery strong barrier in the way of interpersonal communication, because the new hire would have a difficult time relating to his or her work partners. Clarity really is the first hurdle to jump through in order to have effective communication in the workplace. Emphasizing clarity in workplace communication also means limiting the amount of technological interference. Even though technology is making it easier and easier to communicate with co-workers without actually seeing them, face-to-face communication is still the most important factor in fostering long-term friendships among those co-workers, (Sias, 2012). A common problem with communicating through technology in the workplace is the disinhibition effect. The disinhibition effect is when people are more likely to say things through technology that they wouldn’t say in real life, (Suler, 2004). If a person receives a critical email from a co-worker, they’re more likely to respond in a negative and destructive way if they write an email back immediately. This is because when people aren’t actually face-to-face with another person when communicating with them, it’s easier to say more negativeShow MoreRelatedEffective Workplace Communication1336 Words  | 6 PagesListening and Effective Workplace Communication James Humes, a former presidential speech writer, stated that, the art of communication is the language of leadership (Leading Thoughts, 2010). 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Thursday, May 14, 2020
Basic Concept of Textile - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1468 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2017/09/11 Category Advertising Essay Did you like this example? INTRODUCTION TO WEAVING KNITTING YARN Yarn is a long continuous length of interlocked fibres, suitable for use in the production of textiles, sewing, crocheting, knitting, weaving, embroidery and rope-making. TYPES OF YARN †¢ Spun yarn is made by twisting or otherwise bonding staple fibre together to make a cohesive(solid) thread. Twisting fibres into yarn in the process called spinning †¢ Filament yarn consists of filament fibres (very long continuous fibres) either twisted together or only grouped together. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Basic Concept of Textile" essay for you Create order Texturized yarns are made by a process of air texturizing, which combines multiple filament yarns into a yarn with some of the characteristics of spun yarns. WEAVING Weaving is the textile art in which two distinct sets of yarns or threads, called the warp and the filling or weft (older woof), are interlaced with each other to form a fabric or cloth. The warp threads run lengthways of the piece of cloth, and the weft runs across from side to side. TYPES OF WEAVE The manner in which the warp and filling threads interlace with each other is known as the weave. Different types of weaves are as follows: †¢ Plain weave †¢ Satin weave †¢ Twill Weaving involves the interlacing of two sets of threads at right angles to each other: the warp and the weft. PLAIN WEAVE plain weave also called tabby weave or taffeta weave is strong and hardwearing, used for fashion and furnishing fabrics. In plain weave, the warp and weft form a simple criss-cross pattern. Each weft thread crosses the warp threads by going over one, then under the next, and so on. The next weft thread goes under the warp threads that its neighbour went over, and vice versa. Structure of plain-woven fabric TYPES OF PLAIN WEAVE †¢ Balanced plain weaves are fabrics in which the warp and weft are made of threads of the same weight (size) and the same number of ends per inch as picks per inch. †¢ Basket weave is a variation of plain weave in which two or more threads are bundled and then woven as one in the warp or weft, or both. A balanced plain weave can be identified by its checkerboard-like appearance. It is also known as one-up-one-down weave or over and under pattern. SATIN WEAVE satin weave is one of the three important textile weaves. The satin weave is distinguished by its lustrous, or silky, appearance. Satin describes the way the threads are combined, and the yarn used may be silk or polyester, among others, giving different fabrics. The satin weave is characterized by four or more cool fill or weft yarns floating over a warp yarn or vice versa, four warp yarns floating over a single weft yarn. TWILL WEAVE A twill weave can easily be identified by its diagonal lines. It is made by passing the weft thread over one or more warp threads and then under two or more warp threads and so on, with a step or offset between rows to create the characteristic diagonal pattern. Because of this structure, twills generally drape well. Structure of a 2/2 twill Structure of a 3/1 twill WEAVING PROCESS †¢ Weaving involves the interlacing of two sets of threads at right angles to each other: the warp and the weft. †¢ The warp threads are moved up or down by the harnesses creating a space called the shed. The weft thread is wound onto spools called bobbins. By spacing the warp more closely, it can completely cover the weft that binds it, giving a warp faced textile such as rep weave. Conversely, if the warp is spread out, the weft can slide down and completely cover the warp, giving a weft faced textile, such as a tapestry. †¢ An Indian weaver preparing his warp REP WEAVE By spacing the warp more closely, it can completely cover the weft that binds it, giving a warp faced textile. TAPESTRY Tapestry is a form of textile art and is composed of two sets of interlaced threads in such a way that the warp threads are set up under tension on a loom, and the weft thread is passed back and forth across part or al l of the warps. Tapestry is weft-faced weaving, in which all the warp threads are hidden in the completed work, unlike cloth weaving where both the warp and the weft threads may be visible. KNITTING Knitting is a method by which thread or yarn may be turned into cloth or other fine crafts. Knitting consists of consecutive loops, called stitches. As each row progresses, a new loop is pulled through an existing loop. The active stitches are held on a needle until another loop can be passed through them. This process eventually results in a final product, often a garment. Knitting may be done by hand or by machine. By hand, numerous styles and methods of knitting exist. Different yarns and knitting needles may be used to achieve different end products by giving the final piece a different colour, texture, weight, or integrity. Using needles of varying sharpness and thickness as well as different varieties of yarn adds to the effect. COURSES AND WALES The yarn in knitted fabrics follows a twisting path called a course, forming symmetric loops also called bights symmetrically above and below the mean path of the yarn. These twisting loops can be stretched easily in different directions, which give knitting much more elasticity than woven fabrics; depending on the yarn and knitting pattern, knitted garments can stretch as much as 500%. A sequence of stitches in which each stitch is suspended from the next is called a wale. WEFT AND WARP KNITTING There are two major varieties of knitting: weft knitting and warp knitting. In the more common weft knitting, the wales are perpendicular to the course of the yarn. In warp knitting, the wales and courses run roughly parallel. In weft knitting, the entire fabric may be produced from a single yarn, by adding stitches to each wale in turn, moving across the fabric. In warp knitting, one yarn is required for every wale. Since a typical piece of knitted fabric may have hundreds of wales, warp knitting is typically done by machine, whereas weft knitting is done by both hand and machine. Basic pattern of warp knitting. Parallel white, red and green yarns zigzag lengthwise along the fabric, each loop securing a loop of an adjacent strand from the previous row. Thus, the two central wales in this picture are alternating whitered-white and red-green-red stitches. TYPES OF KNITTING There are 3 types of knitting as mention below: †¢ Circular knitting also called knitting in the roundâ€Å" Flat knitting †¢ Felting FLAT KNITTING VERSUS CIRCULAR KNITTING Circular Knitting Flat knitting †¢ is a form of knitting that creates a seamless tube. Knitting is worked in rounds in a spiral. A circular needle resembles two short knitting needles connected by a cable between them. †¢ Circular knitting is employed to create pieces that are circular or tube-shaped, such as hats, socks, mittens, and sl eeves. †¢ is used, in its most basic form, to make flat, rectangular pieces of cloth. It is done with two straight knitting needles and is worked in rows, horizontal lines of stitches. Flat knitting is usually used to knit flat pieces like scarves, blankets, afghans, and the backs and fronts of sweaters. FLAT KNITTING VERSUS CIRCULAR KNITTING Circular Knitting Flat Knitting KNITTING TOOLS Knitting needles in a variety of sizes (US 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13 and 15 from the bottom). The US size 7 and 15 needles are bamboo and wood, respectively, whereas the others are aluminium. Having a smoother surface, metal needles tend to produce faster knitting but stitches are more likely to slide off by accident. Double-pointed knitting needles, sometimes used for socks, collars and sleeves. Typically they come in sets of four or five; shown here are US size 8 in wood (left), and US size 1 in aluminium (right). KNITTING TOOLS Three different circular knitting needles of different sizes and composition. The inner beige one is short and thick (US size 13) and made of wood, whose roughness prevents stitches from slipping off. The red metal middle one is US size 9, and its tips have been screwed onto the nylon cord. The outer one is US size 5, nickelplated hollow brass for speed and unusually long, designed for lace and larger sweaters. CONCLUSION †¢ Weaving is worked on a loom. It is comprised of a series of individual threads (called warp threads) that are kept vertically under tension by the loom. The weaver then places horizontal rows of weft threads through the warp to make the cloth. The warp and the weft are always perpendicular to each other. †¢ Knitting is worked on a set of two pointed sticks (knitting needles). A single thread is worked in loops to make a row. Subsequent rows are built on the previous row to make the cloth, still using the same single thread. THANK YOU
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Baseball Is America s Pastime - 2754 Words
The United States has long been known to have a pastime. That pastime is known as baseball. While there are other major sports in the United States, baseball is America’s pastime. This starts when father and son go outside and play catch. This continues when the son begins to play little league baseball, both father and son dreaming of playing in the World Series one day. For most boys, the dream ends in high school. For those talented enough, the dream may continue through college. For the most talented boy, that dream is realized and he becomes a professional baseball player. Imagine that dream finally being realized one day for a boy who has devoted his life to playing the game he loves. That dream in one day away from reality when it is suddenly halted by a labor strike. That is exactly what happened in 1994. The players put down the baseball and picked up a picket sign. The managers, caught in the middle picked up replacement players. The owners, determined to carry on wi th the new 1995 season made decisions that were not popular, even among themselves. Who lost the most of them all? The fans! The fans just wanted to see baseball. They were willing to pay rising ticket prices to see their favorite players play a game loved by all. The fans wanted to root for their team to make the playoffs, advance to the World Series, and become world champions of baseball. All this was swept away on August 12, 1994. The players walked out and began the longest strike inShow MoreRelatedBaseball Is America s Pastime2072 Words  | 9 Pages Baseball is America’s pastime. Thousands of fans every season gather in stadiums nationwide to watch as players take the diamond. People of all ages have a love for baseball, after all it is the all American sport. Baseball was loved by millions until one day when the truth came out. The 1919 World Series had been rigged. Hearts were broken and sadness spread across America. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Heart Of Darkness Essay Prompts Example For Students
Heart Of Darkness Essay Prompts 20th Century Novels EssayTo what extent could Heart of Darkness be described as a disturbing novelthat reflects some of the major concerns of 20th Century fiction?Line: 5Due: 4th June 2004Joseph Conrads literary classic Heart of Darkness serves as a powerfulindictment of the hypocrisy of imperialism and the evils of racism. Itreflects the savage repressions carried out in the Congo by the Belgians inone of the largest acts of genocide committed up to that time (Brians,1998). Typical of many of the other modernist literature produced in theearly decades of the twentieth century, Heart of Darkness is also as muchabout the human condition of alienation, loneliness and solitude as it isabout imperialism. We live in a world in which the consequences of nineteenth-century Europeanimperialism are still being felt. Primarily between 1880 and 1900 manyEuropean governments scrambled frantically for territory(Schmiechen,1999). During this age of imperialism, in the centre of the Africancontinent lay the newly colonised Belgian Congo, and the setting of thenovella Heart of Darkness. The issue of Imperialism is explored incomplicated ways in Heart of Darkness. The central character of Marlowencounters many scenes of torture, cruelty, racist superiority and near-slavery, and this results in the book offering a harsh picture of colonialenterprise to the reader. The hypocrisy of imperialism is felt to some extent in the novella, for themost part amongst the characters of the pilgrims and cannibals. Thepilgrims of Heart of Darkness, although appear to be Christian, are notpilgrims in the religious sense but men from Central Station, who carrywooden staves wherever they go. They are obsessed with keeping up a veneerof civilization and proper conduct, and are motivated entirely by self-interest. They all want to be appointed to a station so that they can tradefor ivory and earn a commission, but none of them actually takes anyeffective steps toward achieving this goal: They beguiled the time bybackbitting and intriguing against each other in a foolish kind ofwayThey slandered and hated each other only on that account. (pg.53-54). They despise the natives and treat them like animals, although intheir greed and ridiculousness they appear less than human themselves.Inan astounding lack of intelligence, the pilgrims attack the jungle,creating a cl oud of smoke which blinds Marlows navigation: The pilgrimshad opened with their Winchesters, and were simply squirting lead into thatbush. A deuce of a lot of smoke came up and slowly drove forwardIcouldnt see (pg. 80) In another incident, the pilgrims throw thecannibals only source of food overboard in what looked like a high-handedproceeding.(pg. 75). In the novel the natives hired as the crew of the steamer are known as thecannibals, paradoxically they are surprisinglyreasonableandwelltempered. The leader of the group, in particular, seems to be intelligentand capable of ironic reflection upon his situation. Marlow respects theirrestraint and their calm acceptance of adversity. Fine fellows cannibals in their place. They were men one could work with, and I am grateful tothem. And, after all they did not eat each other before my face. (pg. 67). Whilst narrating his story Marlow not only emphasises the savagery of thepilgrims by comparison with the nobility of the cannibals, extending thecontrast of civilization and savagery, but he also begins to indicate whatit is that deserves some measure of respect. The nearly impossible feat ofwithstanding hunger is accomplished by the savage cannibals through someinexplicable integrity: No fear can stand up to hunger, no patience canwear it out, disgust simply does not exist where hunger is; and as tosuperstition, beliefs, and what you may call principles, they are less thanchaff in a breeze. Dont you know the devilry of lingering starvation, itsexasperating torment, its black thoughts, its sombre and brooding ferocity?Well I do. It takes a man all his inborn strength to fight hunger properly. .u527e38d980d617332aa612b65586a804 , .u527e38d980d617332aa612b65586a804 .postImageUrl , .u527e38d980d617332aa612b65586a804 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u527e38d980d617332aa612b65586a804 , .u527e38d980d617332aa612b65586a804:hover , .u527e38d980d617332aa612b65586a804:visited , .u527e38d980d617332aa612b65586a804:active { border:0!important; } .u527e38d980d617332aa612b65586a804 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u527e38d980d617332aa612b65586a804 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u527e38d980d617332aa612b65586a804:active , .u527e38d980d617332aa612b65586a804:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u527e38d980d617332aa612b65586a804 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u527e38d980d617332aa612b65586a804 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u527e38d980d617332aa612b65586a804 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u527e38d980d617332aa612b65586a804 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u527e38d980d617332aa612b65586a804:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u527e38d980d617332aa612b65586a804 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u527e38d980d617332aa612b65586a804 .u527e38d980d617332aa612b65586a804-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u527e38d980d617332aa612b65586a804:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: On June 22, 1903 a man named John Dillinger was bo EssayIts really easier to face bereavement, dishonour, and the perdition ofones soul (pg.76). Although they out number the pilgrims thirty men tofive, The cannibals continuously maintain a measure of self-restraint,choosing rather, to face near-starvation. While Heart of Darkness offers a powerful condemnation of the hypocriticaloperations of imperialism and the paradoxical human nature, it alsoaddresses issues surrounding race that can be viewed as evenmoredisconcerting: The prehistoric man was cursing us (pg. 68). This commentreflects the European inclination to
Monday, April 6, 2020
Scaffold Plank Essay Example
Scaffold Plank Essay Dianne Estrada Management Strategy Kucinski September 9, 2010 THE SCAFFOLD PLANK INCIDENT OVERVIEW Bob Hopkins, a previous banker, accepted a â€Å"trader†position with White Lumber, who was one of the bank’s best accounts. John White, the owner of White Lumber, was a director at the bank Bob previously worked for and a leading citizen in the community. The â€Å"trader†position Bob accepted involved buying and selling lumber. Bob’s compensation was incentive-based without a salary cap. The ethical dilemma Bob faces in this case is a transaction that makes Bob question his and the company’s ethics and legal obligations. It’s February, business was slow, the company was $5,000 below their breakeven point, and it appeared as if a recession was on the horizon. Bob receives a call from Stan Parrish, a buyer at Quality Lumber, for a large order of lumber. Bob has four additional inquiries for the same amount of lumber, but for scaffold plank. Bob becomes concerned whether the order that was called in by Stan is suppose to be for scaffold plank. Bob addresses his concerns with his partner, Mike Fayerweather, who doesn’t think there is a problem because Stan did not specifically ask for scaffold plank nor did Bob quote him for it. We will write a custom essay sample on Scaffold Plank specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Scaffold Plank specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Scaffold Plank specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Mike also advises Bob that if Stan is bidding for a job he will win because his order is less expensive than scaffold plank. Bob suggests that he calls Stan to verify if the order needs to be for scaffold plank, but Mike advises against calling because it could harm the business relationship. It may also appear as if Bob is accusing Stan of being unethical. Mike also points out that if their company had knowledge that the material will be used for scaffolding then they would be legally liable as well. Against Mike’s advice, Bob calls Stan and discovers that the lumber will be used as scaffold plank. Bob notifies Stan that the lumber does not meet the requirements and that he doesn’t feel comfortable with the situation. Stan states that he is selling it to the purchasing company as regular construction lumber, the company is protected because the invoice will reflect it that, informs Bob that the foreman will be using it for scaffolding in order to keep costs down, and that the extra inch in thickness will prevent the lumber from failing. After Stan’s explanations, Bob continued to express hesitation. Stan threatens to take his business elsewhere and reminds Bob that his job could be in jeopardy due to the economy. The next day Bob is called in to John White’s office. Bob advised John of his and Stan’s conversation. John ordered the lumber and filled in Bob’s name on the sales order. Bob did not want any part of the transaction. John pokes at Bob’s ethics and makes it clear the he has the superior reputation. John insisted that they are not liable for the lumber after it leaves the yard, the invoice would be marked that the lumber is not to be used as scaffold plank, ethics and liability fall on the purchasing agent, and if they asked one client what the material was going to be used for then they would have to ask every client, which may seem as if they are trying to bypass the distribution channel. Bob’s rebuttal is although the chance that the lumber will fail is minimal he doesn’t want to take that chance, feels there is a responsibility to customers, and an obligation to do the right thing. At the end of the conversation, John preys on Bob’s feelings by saying he has to look out for the other people in the company such as Steve, who doesn’t have a high school diploma and would have limited job opportunities, or Janet, who has a disabled husband who needs the company insurance. Bob’s intentions when he first entered the office were quitting, but after John’s arguments he left his office confused and uncomfortable about the decision, but relying on the trust and respect he has for John. Ethics and legal questions arise in this case because scaffold plank grading rules are restrictive. Scaffold planks are wooden planks are used between metal supports. They require minimal defects in the wood and high strength in flexing. They are often used by jobs that require people to be very high off the ground. It is difficult to distinguish regular lumber from scaffold plank. White Lumber did not carry scaffold plank. ANALYSIS Although Bob exhibits a higher degree of ethics and legal responsibility than Stan, Mike, and John, ethics and legal responsibility are not always in alignment. In this case, John completes the order for Quality Lumber with Bob’s name on the sales order. Quality Lumber has an established client relationship with White Lumber. The current state of the economy makes the existing client relationship even more valuable. Bob suspects that the lumber that is being purchased will be used illegally as scaffold plank. Scaffold plank has to meet strict requirements and grading for safety and usage. Failure to abide by the requirements could result in accident, death, legal liability, and fraud. If the lumber being used as scaffold plank fails resulting in injury or death, then White Lumber may be held legally liable since they had firsthand knowledge about how the lumber was going to be used. It may also constitute as fraud because White Lumber is knowingly selling lumber that will be used as scaffold plank. Bob’s own ethics are tested with the transaction. Bob knows he has a responsibility to keep a good relationship with his clients (Quality Lumber), but also feels that he has a responsibility to the end user of the product since he knows the lumber will be used for scaffolding. Bob knows that completing the transaction conflicts with the legal requirements and grading for scaffold plank. Bob wants to ensure that he meets his ethical and legal requirements, but doesn’t realize the ultimate responsibility lies between Quality Lumber and the end user. John White makes a valid argument for completing the transaction. John has an obligation to the company and his employees. John has to ensure that his company makes a profit and continues to grow, especially during difficult economic times. John has to be able to maintain valuable client relationships since repeat business it vital. Profit ensures that employees maintain their jobs. Employees need to perform tasks within the realm of their job description. Employees that have ethical or legal concerns about business practices need to address those concerns with management. Management will determine the best possible solution for the company taking into account the ethics, legal issues, the company, stakeholders, and employees. Management must make the best possible decision in order for White Lumber to remain competitive. Management must balance ethics with their financial responsibilities in order to manage risks. John’s decision to go ahead with the transaction has several risks. If the end user of the lumber sustains an accident or death, then White Lumber’s reputation will be ruined since they had knowledge that the lumber was going to be used for scaffolding. In business, a bad reputation can ruin current business relationships and prevent White Lumber from creating new ones. If the end user suffers an accident or death, then White Lumber may be found to be negligent and pay punitive damages, which can hurt the company’s bottom line or even cause them to cease operations. White Lumber may also be fined for not following regulations for the use of scaffold plank. These risks may cause White Lumber to lose client relationships, prevent new relationships, a loss to the bottom line, a loss in sales, a loss in profit or revenue, or the ultimate loss of ceasing operations or becoming bankrupt. Bob and John have some alternatives, but those alternatives also carry risk. Bob could have refused the transaction, but this may caused Bob to lose his job or Quality Lumber to take their business to the competitor. Bob could have completed the sale and earned his compensation, but in the event of an accident or if a legal issue arises Bob would be held responsible. Instead of calling Stan, Bob could have addressed his concerns with John and let John make the final determination on the transaction. After John filled in Bob’s name on the sales order, Bob could have quit, but would be unemployed and without income. John could have fired Bob for calling Stan, but John loses an employee, may have to pay workers compensation, or takes the risk of Bob reporting the situation to the Better Business Bureau or those that regulate the sale of lumber. Ultimately, John decides to complete the sale in order to maintain the client relationship with Quality Lumber. The transaction provides revenue and compensation for White Lumber and Bob. John feels his legal obligation is fulfilled because the invoice will be marked, â€Å"This material is not suitable for use as scaffold plank. †Furthermore, John adds that they have a signed purchase agreement and are supplying lumber that meets the specifications requested. John believes the ethical responsibility lies between Quality Lumber and the end user of the roduct. CONCLUSION There is no clear decision that can be made in this case, but in my opinion, when Bob verified the lumber was going to be used for fraudulent purposes then the firm should not have conducted the sale. The company is essentially endorsing the fraudulent use of lumber as scaffold plank and if other clients find out about the transaction they could be enticed to do the same. If they are not enticed to do the same , they may feel obligated to report the company’s business practices to regulators. Additionally, there is too much legal risk in the event that there is an accident, death, or regulators discover White Lumber sold lumber to be used as scaffold plank. This case makes it clear that business decisions are not always black and white issues, but may lie in a gray area. Companies may face business decisions that are not in alignment ethically and legally. Management has to weigh all options in order to determine the best possible decision for all stakeholders involved. This case is a prime example that the best business decisions management makes may not be ethical.
Sunday, March 8, 2020
The Expert Guide to the Columbia Supplement
The Expert Guide to the Columbia Supplement SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Only 6% of applicants are admitted to Columbia every year. Do you want to be one of them? If so, you’ll need to write amazing Columbia essays as part of your application. In this article, we’ll outline the different types of essays you need to write for your Columbia Supplement and teach you how to write an essay that will help you stand out from the thousands of other applicants. What Does the Columbia Supplement Include? Like many major colleges and universities, Columbia University requires its applicants to submit essays as part of their application for admission. Columbia requires that you write a total of three essays and answer five short answer questions. You’ll need to answer a prompt provided by the Common Application or Coalition Application, depending on which one you use to submit your Columbia application through. You’ll also need to respond to two Columbia-specific short essay questions. The Columbia essay prompts offer you plenty of opportunities to show off your qualifications as an applicant and wow the admissions committee. The first, and longest, essay that you’ll write for Columbia will be based on one of the essay prompts provided by the Common App or the Coalition App, depending on which application you use to apply to Columbia. If you want to learn how to write a great essay for the Common App or Coalition App, check out our dedicated blog posts on each topic. Columbia Essays, Analyzed In this section, we’ll be looking at both of the Columbia supplemental essays in depth. Remember, every applicant must answer both essay prompts, so you don’t get to choose which essay you would like to write. You’ll need to answer each essay prompt strongly if you want to be admitted to Columbia. Let’s take a look at each of the two Columbia supplement questions and see how to write something meaningful for each. Columbia Essay Prompt #1 Please tell us what you value most about Columbia and why. (300 words or fewer) This prompt is deceptively simple. While the question is brief, you should take care to answer it with specific information about Columbia and why it is the best university for you. The admissions committee is interested in learning about your curiosity inside and outside of the classroom, so don’t feel like you have to limit your expressed interest in Columbia to its academic resources. For instance- how are you planning to utilize Columbia’s location? That being said, remember that the most important thing here is to be specific. Although the fact that Columbia is in NYC can certainly be a draw, do not use "city life" as your topic- it’s too broad and will sound insincere. A better answer would be to talk about the partnerships Columbia has with the many companies that are in New York City or to discuss how certain Columbia classes integrate with the world-class museums nearby. The committee is looking for students who will take advantage of all that Columbia has to offer them as an institution- so be honest in your response, and do some research. Instead of simply saying that Columbia has great academics, go into detail about a professor you admire or a class you are excited to take. Maybe there is an internship or specific program that you only have access to through Columbia. Being specific is more powerful than speaking in generalized platitudes. Don’t feel limited to your potential major. You don’t have to write solely about your predicted course of study. In fact, this prompt is an opportunity to diversify your academic portfolio, so to speak, and show the committee that you’re curious and open to new ideas. Columbia Essay Prompt #2 The third essay that you’ll write for Columbia will depend on the college that you’re applying to. Columbia’s application has different prompts for Columbia College and The Fu Foundation School of Engineering And Applied Sciences. While the prompts are basically the same, the strategies will differ a bit based on the school to which you’re applying. Columbia houses different fields of study under each of the colleges. If you’re interested in the Arts, Life Earth Sciences and Humanities, you’ll apply to Columbia College. If you’re interested in Engineering, you’ll apply to the Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. The colleges are not the same- each reviews its applicants separately and you’ll take different curriculum depending on the school that you’re accepted to. While you can have the freedom to talk about different academic interests in this prompt, you should make sure that you’re talking about experiences that are at related to the school you’re applying to. Don’t wax on about how you want to write like Keats if you’re applying to the engineering school. Columbia College Prompt If you are applying to Columbia College, tell us what from your current and past experiences (either academic or personal) attracts you specifically to the field or fields of study that you noted in the Member Questions section. If you are currently undecided, please write about any field or fields in which you may have an interest at this time. (300 words or fewer) Although this essay gives you a chance show yourself as a well-rounded person who has a variety of different interests and talents, make sure that you are describing a real, true experience from your life that inspired you to pursue your projected major in college. If you have absolutely no clue what you’re going to major in, it’s still crucial to describe an experience that inspired you to care about and study something. It can be simple, but it has to be genuine. Columbia’s committee is more likely to take notice of a real interest in something you actually care about than an exaggerated account of your experience serving soup at a shelter that one time with your school’s National Honors Society chapter. Essays are a great opportunity to present yourself as a well-rounded person. Don’t repeat information that the committee can find elsewhere on your application. Take the time to share fun, personal details about yourself. Be specific- the committee wants to get a real picture of you as a person. Don’t just say that you love to play video games, say exactly which video games you love and why. This essay is also a great time to show off your community- the friends, family, teammates, etc. who make up your current life. Since the prompt asks about personal experiences, you can talk about the deep bonds you have and how they have affected you. What the admissions committee mainly wants to see is that you’re an intellectually curious student. Whatever your passion is, elaborate on how it has become an intellectual pursuit. For instance, if you’re interested in studying Classics, you can talk about how you’ve researched the origins of different myths. If you care about studying journalism, talk about why you’re so passionate about an impartial press. Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science Prompt If you are applying to The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science, please tell us what from your current and past experiences (either academic or personal) attracts you specifically to the field or fields of study that you noted in the Member Questions section. (300 words or fewer) This Columbia essay prompt is exactly the same as the prompt for Columbia College, with one big caveat: there’s no room for being undecided here. If you’re applying to The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science, you’ll need to select a field or fields of study. Because you’re required to select your potential field of study, your essay needs to be related to that selection. You need to relate your course of study to your personal interests, not what you think the admissions committee wants to hear. Don’t say that you want to engineer an issue the world’s clean drinking water shortage just because you think it sounds good to the people reading your essay. That’s not to say you can’t talk about providing more people clean drinking water- you just have to have a personal connection to issue. Want to get into Columbia or your personal top choice college? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in. Columbia Short Answer Questions Analyzed In 150 words or fewer, please list a few words or phrases that describe your ideal college community. This question asks you to describe what you are looking for from your college community. The word "community" is key here- you’re not just talking about academic experience. You should also mention what you want from your peers and out-of-class life, too. The other key to this prompt is brevity- you need to cover a lot of ground in less than 150 words. You don’t want to waste words here. You’ll need to get your point across quickly and clearly. You should describe a community that reflects Columbia’s values: a place where academic curiosity and rigor are prioritized. That being said, you don’t want to sound trite or like you’re over exaggerating. Don’t say that you want to participate in endless literary salons just to sound smart. Instead, say things that actually ring true: e.g., you want a community where people are excited to create art or talk about what they’re learning in class. Don’t try to cover your entire college experience in less than 150 words. It’s better to paint a vivid picture of a small portion of your ideal college life than a blurry one of your entire experience. For the four list questions that follow, we ask that you list each individual response using commas or semicolons; the items do not have to be numbered or in any specific order. No narrative or explanatory text is needed. It is not necessary to italicize or underline titles of books or other publications. Author names may be included, but are not required. You do not need to fill the entire space or use the maximum number of words; there is no minimum word count in this section, so please respond to the extent that you feel is appropriate. Please list the following (150 words or fewer for each question): the titles of the required readings from courses during the school year or summer that you enjoyed most in the past year; the titles of books read for pleasure that you enjoyed most in the past year; the titles of print or electronic publications you read regularly; and the titles of the films, concerts, shows, exhibits, lectures and other entertainments you enjoyed most in the past year. This question can be intimidating! It’s normal to be nervous to share what you’re reading or enjoying outside of class. That being said, you should opt for honesty here, rather than impressiveness. Don’t feel like you need to say that enjoyed reading Hind Swaraj if you actually vastly preferred your English class’ foray into Tolkien. Be truthful and real. This question is also a great opportunity to share different interests that you have. If you love Miyazaki films, but also love documentaries about climate change, feel free to share! The more information you give, the more fleshed out you’ll be as a person. It’s important to note the directions here: don’t justify your responses or give any commentary. Simply list the works you’ve enjoyed and leave it at that. You can choose to list the works in a number of ways: alphabetically, chronologically, or in order of interest. I’d suggest going chronologically or in order of interest, but there’s not a right or wrong way to go here. How to Write a Great Columbia Essay: 3 Key Tips Regardless of which Columbia essay prompt you’re responding to, you should keep in mind the following tips for how to write a great Columbia essay. #1: Use Your Own Voice The point of a college essay is for the admissions committee to have the chance to get to know you beyond your test scores, grades, and honors. Your admissions essays are your opportunity to make yourself come alive for the essay readers and to present yourself as a fully fleshed out person. You should, then, make sure that the person you’re presenting in your college essays is yourself. Don’t try to emulate what you think the committee wants to hear or try to act like someone you’re not. If you lie or exaggerate, your essay will come across as insincere, which will diminish its effectiveness. Stick to telling real stories about the person you really are, not who you think Columbia wants you to be. #2: Avoid Cliches and Overused Phrases When writing your Columbia essays, try to avoid using cliches or overused quotes or phrases. These include quotations that have been quoted to death and phrases or idioms that are overused in daily life. The college admissions committee has probably seen numerous essays that state, â€Å"Be the change you want to see in the world.†Strive for originality. Similarly, avoid using cliches, which take away from the strength and sincerity of your work. Columbia’s admissions committee will see hundreds, if not thousands, of essays that talk about how much the applicant loves New York City. Saying that you want to study amongst the bright lights of the Big Apple is trite and overdone. If you are excited about going to school in New York City, make sure that you have a really specific reason that also ties to Columbia’s opportunities. #3: Check Your Work It should almost go without saying, but you want to make sure your Columbia essays are the strongest example of your work possible. Before you turn in your Columbia application, make sure to edit and proofread your essays. Your work should be free of spelling and grammar errors. Make sure to run your essays through a spelling and grammar check before you submit. It’s a good idea to have someone else read your Columbia essays, too. You can seek a second opinion on your work from a parent, teacher, or friend. Ask them whether your work represents you as a student and person. Have them check and make sure you haven’t missed any small writing errors. Having a second opinion will help your work be the best it possibly can be. Recap: Writing the Columbia Supplemental Essays Your Columbia essays cover a lot of ground! You'll have the opportunity to share why you want to attend Columbia, as well as about your academic interests and potential pursuits. You'll also get to talk about Columbia's community and the art and literature that interests you. Be honest and sincere in your Columbia essays. Make sure your essays are a great representation of who you are as a person, not just a What’s Next? Wondering how to excel on the "Why Columbia" essay?We break down this essay prompt and specific examples on our blog. You might be wondering what kind of test scores you need to get into Columbia and other similar schools. We tell you what good scores are for Ivy League schools plus MIT, Stanford, and UChicago here. Looking for a detailed guide on how to be one of the few students accepted to Ivy League level schools? Read PrepScholar co-founder Allen Cheng's reflections on his college application and tips for how you can get into Harvard and other Ivy League-level schools. Want to write the perfect college application essay? Get professional help from PrepScholar. Your dedicated PrepScholar Admissions counselor will craft your perfect college essay, from the ground up. We'll learn your background and interests, brainstorm essay topics, and walk you through the essay drafting process, step-by-step. At the end, you'll have a unique essay that you'll proudly submit to your top choice colleges. Don't leave your college application to chance. Find out more about PrepScholar Admissions now:
Friday, February 21, 2020
Market Failure and Government Intervention Essay
Market Failure and Government Intervention - Essay Example Market failure is a situation that describes a situation where the effects of demand and supply do not allocate their resources appropriately. This will, therefore, lead to a situation that defines market failure as a marketplace where the unauthorized price system leads to an extremely high or low allocation of resources for specific economic activities. Market failure is always inherent to the market and consequently causes the market equilibrium allocation to be inadequate. In relation to the theorem of welfare economics, there is a possibility that under absolute conditions the allocation of resources in the long-run competitive equilibrium is efficient. Unfortunately, most of the markets always fail in the allocation of various economic and environmental resources thus making the overall allocation of resources inadequate. Adam Smith’s invisible hand is always a major principle in the allocation of resources. Various economists always refer these types of problems to approve the role for government intervention. A prominent economist once urged that existence of a free market always find it challenging to do away with the need for the government (Aldridge, 2005). In a situation where the positive externalities extremely exceed private benefits, the good produced or services provide become non-profitable in the market context, there will be always some benefits associated with goods or services that are allocated free. For example, one puts security lights in his or her compound to light the compound and neighbors use the light too to light their compounds free. The problem is that the market system cannot easily supply goods or services provided that are jointly consumed (Besanko, 2011). Consequently, for a market to work appropriately a two-party agreement is quite preferable. When non-paying parties cannot easily be excluded from the benefits of goods or services where the problem of the free rider arises. Good examples for such a situation include street lighting, roads, bridges, and drainage systems.
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Are Neuroscientists Able to Explain Human Consciousness Essay
Are Neuroscientists Able to Explain Human Consciousness - Essay Example The essay "Are Neuroscientists Able to Explain Human Consciousness?" talks about the different aspects of neuroscience in the context of human consciousness studies and how these studies have changed with the time. It would be an exaggeration to say that neuroscientists have no clue whatsoever to how consciousness is possible. In fact, neuroscientists have certain facts at hand to give them a hint. As whatever consciousness ultimately might be, it is somehow based on the workings of the central nervous system. This is something humans have not always known: For Aristotle, it was the heart, not the brain that was the seat of human mental life. In fact, Aristotle explicitly denied that the brain could be the sensory center. Before the advent of modern neuroscience, consciousness was a subject for philosophical debate or qualitative psychological descriptions based on introspection. In some schools of psychology, such as behaviorism, it was placed outside of the scientific program, and considered to be a kind of epiphenomenon. More recently, cognitive psychologists have taken certain functional aspects of consciousness as an unanalyzed basis for their studies on human perception and even with a certain degree of success. Such a position does not go far enough, however. Any attempt to account for higher brain functions in terms of the physical organization of the brain itself and of its constituent neurons is confronted sooner or later with the need for a detailed analysis of consciousness based on brain structure.
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Inhibition Effectiveness of Au Compounds
Inhibition Effectiveness of Au Compounds Function of the â€Å"Guiding Bar†on Inhibition Effectiveness of Au Compounds on Thioredoxin Reductase 3 Qi Liu Introduction Mammalian thioredoxin reductase (TR) is an Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) dependent flavoprotein oxidoreductase, which is involved in reducing the disulfide of thioredoxin (Trx) using NADPH (Figure 1). Trx can reduce many important proteins, such as ribonucleotide reductase (RNR), which produces deoxyribonucleotides for DNA synthesis1, 2. Thus, TR and Trx play an important role in maintaining proteins in their reduced state, which involves the regulation of cellular redox reactions, proliferation, and differentiation3. In addition, Trx and TR is overexpressed in a lot of aggressive tumors, and the tumor progression and metastasis appear to be dependent on the Trx system, because tumor cells need constant DNA synthesis. However, tumor progression and metastasis were dramatically reduced when TR knockdown cells were injected into mice4. Thus, the TR was proposed to be a new anticancer drug target5. In mammals, there are three different TRs which have been characterized: the cytosolic form TR1, the mitochondrial form TR3, and thioredoxin glutathione reductase (TGR, also known as TR2)6. All of these TRs are selenoproteins with a selenocysteine (Sec) at their C-terminal active site. In the reaction mechanism of TR, the selenolate of Sec acts as an electron donor to Trx, also selenium can accept electrons from the N-terminal redox center of TR6. This redox center is located on a flexible arm, which is solvent-exposed and reactive towards electrophilic inhibitors, thus representing a target for antitumor drug development1. A number of recent reports suggest that gold-based drugs have strong inhibition ability on TRs, which could be from the direct coordination between Au and the active site Sec on TRs, so that the selenolate group is blocked7. Interestingly, the gold compounds,Bis[1,2-bis(dipyridylphosphino)ethane]gold(I) chloride ([Au(d2pype)2]Cl) and Bis[1,3-bis(di-2-pyridylphosphino)propane]gold(I) chloride ([Au(d2pypp)2]Cl), effect the inhibition effectiveness on human TR1(hTR1) and human TR3 (hTR3) differently (Figure2). The precise molecular mechanism of TR inhibition by gold compounds has not been elucidated. Thus, studies on inhibition of TRs by gold-based drugs are necessary for designing new cancer inhibitors. Available crystal structures of TRs include hTR1, rat TR1 (rTR1), mouse TR3(mTR3), DmTR (thioredoxin reductase from D. melanogaster), and PfTR (thioredoxin reductase from P. falciparum) enzymes9. A recent study showed the crystal structure of hTR1 with its substrate thioredoxin, in which the C-terminal tail of hTR1 was stabilized by a â€Å"guiding bar†, so that the flexible C-terminal tail can be observed (Figure 3). The guiding bar was first proposed in one of the structure studies of hTR1, and is composed of three amino acids: Trp407, Asn418, and Asn419. It functions to suppress random motions and positions the C-terminal tail in catalytically competent position through hydrogen bonding interactions9. However, the crystal structure of mTR3 does not show the C-terminus because of the random motion of the C-terminal without control from the guiding bar. Furthermore, the sequence comparison between hTR1 and hTR3 shows the absence of the guiding bar in TR3 (Figure 4). Research question Though inhibition of gold compounds on TRs has been studied, the function of the guiding bar on the gold compounds inhibition effectiveness on TRs has never been brought up to the studies of inhibition effectiveness on TRs. The goal of this proposal is to investigate the role of the guiding bar on the inhibition ability of gold based compounds on hTR1 and hTR3. The guiding bar will be constructed on hTR3 by mutations of K432W, A443N and S444N. Biophysical characterization will be applied to observe the presence of the C-terminus on TR3 after mutagenesis. My hypothesis is the C-terminal tail of the crystal structure of mutated TR3 will be observed, because the random motion of the C-terminus is reduced by restriction from the guiding bar. Then, two gold compounds, [Au(d2pype)2]Cl and [Au(d2pypp)2]Cl , will be applied to test the inhibition difference on normal TR3 and mutated TR3. I expect to see that the inhibition on mutated TR3 could be stronger than that on normal TR3. Significance of Proposed Research The thioredoxin system plays an important role in the intracellular redox enviornment and is composed of Trx and TR10. Proposed studies will give an insight into the function of the guiding bar on different TR enzymes. The guiding bar is expected to suppress the random motion of the C-terminal tail so that the redox center Sec on the C-terminus can have better coordination with the gold compounds. The coordination between metal and Sec will tightly block the Sec redox center, so the intracellular redox balance will be disturbed and result in potent TR inhibition4. Thus, the presence of the guiding bar can help TR to be a better drug target. Proposed studies Enzyme Expression and Purification Recombinant human TR1 and TR3 will be cloned into E. coli BL21(DE3) cells, and the growth and purification will be done as described previously.11 Mutation of Human TR3 In order to study the impact of the guiding bar residues on TR catalysis, the proposed mutations will be constructed on hTR3 with K432W, A443N, and S444N. These three mutation sites are chosen based on the sequence alignment of hTR1 in the guiding bar region of Pro376-Tyr422 (Figure 3), in which the critical amino acids, Trp407, Asn418 and Asn419, have the function of limiting random motion of the C-terminus. Thus, the same function of the guiding bar on hTR3 is expected to be observed via specific site mutation. Mutations will be introduced by the Quick Change mutagenesis method and confirmed by DNA sequencing. Structural Studies of Mutated Human TR3 The C-terminal tail in human and rat TR1 could be observed by X-ray crystallography, because the guiding bar limits its random motion. However, because the guiding bar is not present in mouse TR3, the C-terminal tail is too mobile to generate sufficient electron density without restriction from the guiding bar. This leads to the absence of the C-terminal tail in the crystal structure of mouse TR39. The mutated hTR3 after insertion of the guiding bar will be studied by X-ray crystallography. The presence of an ordered C-terminal tail in the crystal structure and the interaction between the guiding bar and the C-terminal tail will suggest restricted motion of the C-terminal tail. I expect to see that the interaction of the guiding bar on the C-terminal tail will improve the inhibition effectiveness of Au compounds on hTR3. Electrospray ionization mass spectroscopy (ESIMS) Characterization ESI is an ionization technique which is used to detect high molecular weight molecules, such as proteins, peptides and other macromolecules, so ESI MS is an important technique for studying a complex biological sample9. Instead of fragmenting the macromolecules into smaller charged particles, this process turns the macromolecules into small droplets by ionization, and these droplets are further desolvated into even smaller droplets, which creates molecules with attached protons12. As a putative target for anticancer metallodrugs, the selenoenzyme TR is the drug target for gold compounds, such as [Au(d2pype)2]Cl and [Au(d2pypp)2]Cl. The TR inhibition is thought to occur through direct binding of the gold to the active site Sec following ligand substitution. So, TR3 and mutated TR3 will be separately incubated with the two gold compounds mentioned above for 30 mins at room temperature, and then the products will be analyzed by EIS-MS. The results will be compared and are expected to explain the binding of the gold onto the hTRs. I hope to see the gold compounds have better binding on mutated hTR3 than normal hTR3. This can be explained as the guiding bar can reduce the motion of flexible C-terminal tail, so that the gold compounds can bind onto the Sec of mutated hTR3 easier than the normal one and cause more inhibition on the mutated hTR313. TR Inhibition Assay The solvent-accessible selenolate group, arising from enzyme reduction, very likely constitutes a high affinity binding site for gold compounds. Tightly blocking the active site Sec through metal coordination should result in potent TR inhibition9. Thus, after ESI-MS characterization, the TR inhibition study will be performed with the two different gold compounds, [Au(d2pype)2]Cl and [Au(d2pypp)2]Cl, on hTR1, hTR3 and mutated hTR3 respectively. In addition to Trx, some low molecular weight disulfide-containing substrates, including 5,5†²-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid) (DTNB), lipoic acid, and lipoamidem, can also be reduced by TRs9. Here, DTNB would be chosen as the substrate for TR inhibition assay to keep consistent with the previous studies from other groups9. The NADPH dependent TR catalyzed reduction of DTNB will be monitored and determined by the increase in absorbance at 412nm. Inhibition of hTR1, hTR3 and mutated hTR3 will be done by using different concentrations of go ld compounds ([Au(d2pype)2]Cl and [Au(d2pypp)2]Cl). The inhibition results from different TRs and gold compounds will be compared. Based on the assumption that the guiding bar can suppress the motion of the C-terminal tail, greater inhibition effectiveness on mutated hTR3 than that on normal hTR3 is expected to be seen. This will show that the C-terminus is limited by the guiding bar on mutated hTR3 helps the gold compounds inhibit the active site Sec more. Binding Studies by Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC) ITC is a technique used to determine the thermodynamic parameters of interaction in solution. It can be applied to study the interactions between protein-protein, enzyme-inhibitor, protein-small molecules, protein-DNA, and so on. Thus, the binding between gold compounds and the three TRs (hTR1, hTR3 and mutated hTR3) can be investigated by ITC. Applying this method will tell us how well the inhibitors, the gold compounds, bind to TRs. The binding affinity (Ka) could show how strongly the gold compounds and TRs will bind, and the higher Ka, the stronger the binding. In addition, enthalpy changes (ÃŽâ€H) can tell the amount of energy released or obtained. Then, the entropy change (ÃŽâ€S) and Gibbs energy changes (ÃŽâ€G) can be determined by the following equation (1): ÃŽâ€G = -RTlnKa = ÃŽâ€H-TÃŽâ€S (1) Comparison of the binding parameters between gold compounds ([Au(d2pype)2]Cl and [Au(d2pypp)2]Cl) and TRs (hTR1, hTR3 and the mutated hTR3) will give more information about the function of the guiding bar on the inhibition effectiveness of TRs. The higher Ka of hTR1 compared to normal hTR3 is expected to be seen, because the absence of guiding bar in hTR3 will lead to a flexible C-terminal tail, which will give a lower inhibition. In addition, Ka of the mutated hTR3 is expected to show higher binding affinity than the normal hTR3, because the guiding bar mutated on hTR3 will help reduce the random motion of the C-terminal tail, so that the redox center Sec can be easily inhibited by the gold compounds. Thus, the guiding bar can help improve the inhibition effectiveness of gold compounds on mutated hTR3. Conclusion Through mutation and structural studies, the presence of the C-terminal tail which is restricted by the inserted guiding bar is expected to be seen in the mutated hTR3. The ESI-MS characterization and binding study can give information about if the gold can successfully bind to the specific active site on the mutated hTR3. Finally, a better understanding of the inhibition effectiveness will be tested and compared by the inhibition assay with hTR1, hTR3 and mutated hTR3. Thus, a better understanding of the function of the guiding bar in the TR system will give an insight into the effect of the guiding bar on the drug inhibition effect on TR3 so that it can become a better drug target. References O. Rackham., A. M. Shearwood., R. Thyer., E. McNamara., S. M. Davies., B. A. Callus., A. Miranda-Vizuete., S. J. Berners-Price., Q. Cheng., E. S. J. Arner and A. 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